Reviews from

in the past

In my opinion, fails at capturing that same magic that Outer Wilds had. It isn't bad, and clearly lots of people love it, but to me its a much inferior and lacking DLC for a game that didn't need it.

Weaker than the original, but still a wonderful game nonetheless.

This completes outerwilds, a already perfect game. This is also the scariest game I've played in a while.

Im not a fan of the stealth sections, they weren´t what I was looking playing this game. Some pants changes later, and expectacular addition to the best game I have ever experienced, love the ending.

its just more of what made the base game good but some minor issues stack up to make it not a 10

"This dlc is looking great, now add pointless slow defenseless stealth sections to pad out the last section"

It's really heartbreaking too since up until the end I felt like this DLC did everything right that the puzzles in base outer wilds couldn't.

Though the story is equally as good (and depressing) as the main game, I think the way that this game handles exploration is a bit different in the DLC.

One of the reasons why I liked the base game so much was because of the way that it seemed like there was so much to explore, but in reality, they were cleverly guiding you through the solar system so that you wouldn't get lost or overwhelmed. The DLC felt like the exact opposite, I constantly felt lost even though the area I had to explore felt way smaller than the other parts of the solar system. Don't get me wrong, I loved the DLC for its incredibly emotional story, but I don't think it was as good as the main game because of how they handled the exploration.

I didn't find the DLC as engaging as the base game. I wish i played the DLC BEFORE finishing the base game, then i think i would have found it more worthwhile. But unfortunately, there's no going back.
[EDIT: There was a going back and it was really fun and worthwhile. Went from 3 stars to 4. Not that scary if you run into the owlk while singing superbase a couple times before actually committing to a run]

Was scared shitless at times but 10/10 couldn’t reccomend more

This expansion was a microcosm of the base game and I love that. I don't think it was as good, though. The amazing physics weren't used very often, and due to being small and focused it's easier to accidentally stumble upon something meant to be revealed later. Still, I can't understate how fantastic it was!

como pode o ser humano criar algo tão incrível quanto esse jogo

Outer Wilds soq terror

it's actually crazy they managed to make a dlc that's THIS GOOD (that's basically just a sequel) and seamlessly put it into the existing game

só não me deu mais medo q o tamboril

Even though it's different, it's still quite a bit more of the same, and is just as good as - if not better - than the base game.

Love me a DLC that makes the game as a whole even better and even more complete than it already was, its one of those experiences that feels as essential to play through as the base game itself without undermining what made it so special and instead building upon what is already there, and while I do have certain nitpicks with some aspects, it's still an experience worth playing. I really love this game

The best DLC I’ve ever played.

An expantion of a masterpiece
It's a little different from the base game, but it's still Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds is a modern classic, and one of the best games ever made. This DLC is better.

Dinguerie le jeu, Le dlc aussi est incroyable

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Adds a lot the base game, and closes some plot holes.
It was a little anoying to fly 2 minutes every loop to the Stranger, and also puzzles were a lot harder and sometimes illogical. Still, a really good dlc to a really good game.

this game scared me the most ive ever been

This is an example of what videogame expansions should be.

There isn't much to say. This is just more Outer Wilds, which is a great thing considering the base game is a masterpiece. It's only hampered by the fact that it is kinda tacked on and limited by base games mechanics and is an iterative kind of dlc rather than innovative.

I couldn't make it through the stealth sections because I kept getting hard.

PERFEIÇÃO (com algumas partes bem complicadinhas)

Echoes of the Eye is an incredible DLC for my favorite game of all time. It's mystery is more challenging to solve than the base game's, but is in my opinion, more rewarding. The light that it sheds on the base game's story and the areas it improves upon, make it a perfect experience for me, just like the original. With just as many exciting, beautiful, terrifying, and revelatory moments as Outer Wilds, Echoes of the Eye is a must play, just as much as the rest of the game.