Reviews from

in the past

I wish I had spent more time playing this game when it was in its prime

This was exactly what kid me was looking forward too. I was a goat with the cactus

I enjoyed this game more over some of the Call of Duty games because of the unique characters and game modes that keep it interesting and fun. It is not as straight forward as just having a gun, you need to pick the character that will help you the most, and every character has their own advantages. I played hours of this one and loved being the support classes like the Sunflower and the Engineer which don’t deal with the objective but just add assistance to everyone else. Gardens and Graveyards is one of my favorite game modes and I enjoyed all the cool maps with different features.

I only keep it from perfect because I can’t play it anymore and it breaks my heart cause the original was better than the newer ones.

Better than it has any right to be.

Pretty cool, no GW2 but it’s still cool, it has all the good things but just not enough of them to get a perfect score

daora tlgd, battlefield de planta

Overwatch? MEH. Paladins? LOL. TF2? Cool I'll admit. But move aside lads, here's the class-based shooter I REALLY fucking cherished. It's funny this game turned out as good as it did. I'd love to go back and revisit it, but I doubt it gets played at all now.

O que eu tenho a dizer? Grande lançamento que era exclusivo do Xbox One na época, pelo que me lembro. Um dos motivos de eu ter comprado um Xbox One, e não me decepcionou. Eu joguei demais.

Fun game but only you can play it online

SO SO SO GOOD and deserved more than it got it should still be active today

The first shooter I ever played. Still has the best maps and aesthetics in the series.

peak casual team class based shooter idc

SOOO many hours of my life were spent grinding away at those sticker packs lol. One of my all time favorite casual shooters and an absolute blast to play. If you have not tried it, its available with xbox game pass so give it a shot :)

nostalgia review, havent played in current day

I remember back in the day buying this game not knowing it was online only. I didn't have xbox gold, so I couldn't play the game at all. The next day, I tried to return it to Best Buy and they gave me one dollar. ONE DOLLAR. I've played the game since then, and it's okay I guess, but ONE DOLLAR. This was like 8 years ago and I'm still pissed.

its such a good game, and i mean come it they turned a 2d tower defense game into a class based shooter like it was nothing.

If your main is either Toxic pea, Super commando or palaeontologist then I beg you please try playing a different character I'm sick of fighting you!

Started playing this game far too late, but was very enjoyable for the short amount of time I played it.

This is definitely an old enough game to say “you had to be there”, this was a replacement for games I was not aloud to play during the 360 days. I must say, what an amazing substitute, really fun gameplay for such a random shooter, and great gamemodes for good replay ability. There is still 1-2 servers left on PC to get a little feeling of nostalgia back.

Fucking awesome game, super unique and fresh especially for the time