Reviews from

in the past

Le jeu est beau malgré des avis catastrophiques en ligne

This is the best way to play Pokemon Diamond, not the definitive gen 4 experience. As a Pokemon fan who doesn't weaponize the old games and my nostalgia, this one hurts me. A LOT

Cynthia was difficult for some reason?

Ran through this game, liked the gameplay the chibi thing wasn't an issue to me.

Ouch. As someone who grew up with Gen 4, this just insanely disappointed me when I first saw it. This is not the remake we deserved and it pains me I have to rate this so negatively. Launched with a bunch of bugs that even soft locked your game. Heck, they didn't even put the entire game on the cartridge to safe money. Maybe in a parallel universe we got the remake we were all looking for. Unfortunately I cannot recommend this game, but if you had/have fun with it then I'm glad it was at least doing something right!

Terrible game they fixed none of the issues that gen dp had and dp are the worst pokemon games ever and this is just a prettier version of that

A very disappointing remake. This game has no charm and is painfully easy to the point of being boring aside from a couple battles. I appreciate what they tried to do with the artsyle, but it doesn't look good and Links Awakening remake did the chili artstyle leagues better than BDSP. I also hate that they didn't include any of the content from Platinum aside from the outfit you can put on. I know this to a remake of Platinuk but Platinum is literally just an enhanced version of DP so why would you not include content from Platinum? The underground was also butchered. Pikemon Hideaways are a cool feature, but that doesn't make up for what was lost. The only decorations you can get in BDSP are statues, which is lame af. There are also no flags or traps anymore which means no playing capture the flag with your friends. Y
You are better off just playing Platinum.

I am so desperate to finish this game good lord I just cannot bring myself to. I never thought I'd ever set down a mainline Pokemon game (remake or not) and just FORGET about it. I cannot even explain exactly what's wrong with it, it's just... a blank slate. It's almost like a demo. I even restarted my file after getting to the fifth gym because I thought maybe my team was just boring and lackluster. So I built a beautiful, unique team, of Pokemon I've always wanted to use, and it's... Still the same. I was so excited. Probably the hardest and most disappointing expectations vs. reality I've ever played.

2 stars because of nostalgic reasons.. The game was shit though compared to other Pokemon games. I was bored to hell while playing this... Pity. Could have been so much more...

Uhhh to be honest I just felt bored playing this. Even with the graphic updates, I think you could honestly play the older versions instead (DPP) as most things are the same with this one. However, if you're completely new to Pokémon, I think this would be a good game to start with.

This game was doomed from the start. The only thing keeping me from .5 stars is because I had fun for a few hours shiny hunting but this game is so incredibly lazily put together and is missing content from a game released in 2009. Just go play Pokémon Platinum.

I've been in the ice gym for two months. HOW DO YOU GET TO CANDICE???

Ugly ass shitty ass pokeman game

I'm not a pokemon fan. This was ok

J'ai bien l'impression d'être arrivé un peu tard pour cette licence.

Pokemon Diamond was my first Pokemon game I ever played, and Platinum made everything I liked about it better. This game decided Platinum didn't need to exist and didn't take almost any of the QOL changes from Platinum and instead made a near 1:1 remake of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. As a game? It's passable and probably decent enough to be good, but as a remake? Horrible.

i liked this game. sorry for my crimes against humanity

Shit remake at least remake the good gen 4 game

fell off at mach 5. only pokemon game ive ever seen go on sale. yall begged for years for that??

it really is the Game of all time

ABANDONED....Probably i will wont play it again....probably.

remake fiel demais, meio sem graça
cynthia me gerou pesadelo

Guys do not fall into FOMO, im never getting my $60 back