Reviews from

in the past

O que dizer de portal 2 senão um jogo foda, historia e gameplay incríveis puzzles inventivos e desafiadores na medida certa, e personagens carismáticos, além de ser o jogo da Glados uma dos top 10 melhores vilões dos games fácil.

This is the part where you die. Very good.

One of the best puzzle games ever made

oh boy i cant wait for portal 3

really Great puzzles made my head spin and story was superb. Multiplayer is also really good. overall amazing game and I miss old valve.

História fantástica e câmaras da comunidade incríveis, conteúdo quase infinito.

even more awesome than the first. so fun. i Love you portal 2

Everything about this game made me lose my mind in the best ways. The puzzles, music, humour, story, and even something as subtle as the robot movements left me in awe. Experiencing this game with either a friend or by yourself is a must

I cannot believe they made Portal even better...

Expertly designed puzzles and a very engaging narrative, in some parts i didn´t know what to do and some parts got a little repetitive , but all things considered , it´s one of my favorite games of all time

This game has no flaws, no downsides.

amazing. like top ten story games of all time. also puzzles are somehow even better which is crazy.

Completed the coop with my friend it was really fun because he knew what to do and in the beginning I didn’t.

"Portal 2" is a mind-bending puzzle adventure, that revolutionizes puzzle-solving with it's innovative gameplay mechanics. Using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, also known as the Portal Gun, players can create portals to navigate through intricate test chambers. The combination of physics-based-puzzles, momentum-based maneuvers and the ability to manipulate space creates a truly mind-bending experience. Each level presents a new challenge, requiring logical thinking and creative problem-solving skills to progress.

"Portal 2" is renowned for it's clever and humorous writing. The game introduced memorable characters like GLaDOS, the sarcastic and witty AI, that is the main antagonist of the game, and Wheatley, the bumbling but lovable personality core. The dialogue is filled with clever quips, dry humor and unexpected twists, keeping players entertained and chuckling throughout the game. The sharp writing adds depth to the story and brings the characters into life, making them a joy to interact with.

"Portal 2" immerses players in a world of Aperture Science, with its dilapidated test chambers, hidden areas, and behind-the-scenes secrets. The attention to detail in the environment design is remarkable, from the worn-out surfaces to the subtle visual cues that guide players. The combination of sterile laboratory aesthetics and the overgrown, decaying sections of the facility create a visually striking contrast that adds to the game's atmosphere.

"Portal 2" features a cooperative multiplayer mode that takes the mind-bending puzzles to new heights. Working together with a friend, players must collaborate and synchronize their actions to solve intricate puzzles. The cooperative mode introduces new challenges that require communication, teamwork, and precise timing, offering a unique and enjoyable multiplayer experience.

The sound design of "Portal 2" is exceptional, contributing to the immersive experience. From the ambient background noises of the facility to the distinct sounds of portals opening and closing, the audio cues provide important feedback and create a sense of presence in the game world. The voice acting, including the iconic performance of GLaDOS, is outstanding, delivering lines with perfect timing and adding depth to the characters.

"Portal 2" expands upon the intriguing narrative introduced in the first game. The story delves deeper into the history of Aperture Science, unraveling mysteries and providing new insights into the world. The combination of thought-provoking puzzles and a compelling storyline keeps players engaged and invested in the outcome, creating a truly immersive experience.

In summary, "Portal 2" is a mind-bending puzzle adventure that combines innovative gameplay, clever writing, and immersive environments. With its challenging puzzles, memorable characters, and engaging storyline, the game captivates players from start to finish. Whether you're a fan of puzzle games or simply appreciate well-crafted experiences, "Portal 2" is a must-play title that will test your wits and leave you craving for more.

Play it, for science, you monster.

If I had to show a non-gamer what games can be, I would probably show them Portal 2. This game does absolutely everything right, and I simply can't recommend it enough.

The gameplay is buttery smooth, the puzzles are wonderfully creative, the soundtrack is amazingly atmospheric, and it doesn't just stop at the single-player campaign; it even features a whole other co-op campaign to play with a friend. And if that's not enough for you, there are even community-created test chambers that will challenge even the most big-brained individuals.

What I can say about the campaign without going into spoilers is that it's, like the rest of the game, simply timeless. The characters are all so wonderfully charming and extremely memorable that even on multiple playthroughs, they make the game a joy to play. The test chambers are a blast to figure out, and it always feels rewarding when you finally get to the end. On repeat playthroughs, they might not be as intriguing since you know the answer already, but I have always waited enough time for my repeat playthroughs for them to not grow stale.

I wholeheartedly recommend this game to pretty much anyone, both new to gaming and veterans. It's an experience you won't forget.

This review contains spoilers

small british sphere gets sent into orbit

great game loved puzzles and ending

A step up from Valve's classic portal game that I still need to do the multiplayer for

An amazing conclusion to an amazing series. Portal 2 takes everything from Portal 1 and expands on it in such a perfect way. The puzzles are more complex, the environments are more rich, the characterization, the story, even the humor, all better than the last. And the ending is just such a flawless conclusion. I wouldn't write or direct it any other way.

I love this game so much.

I got nothin... Glados is a definite would

would have done unspeakable things to the glados potato

Expertly designed puzzles and a very engaging narrative make this one of the best games ever.

ok, yeah, this taught me puzzle games could be fun!
unless you're playing co-op
you will murder your player 2

I don't know if this is better than the first one but it definitely lives up to its reputation. Do NOT sleep on the multiplayer though.

Valve released portal 1 as a small side game for the orange box and a few years later somehow made the best sequel to date. Fun puzzles, great story, amazing characters, and probably one of the most timelessly funny games I've played. If you haven't played this game get it for like 2$ on sale, it's genuinely one of the best games of all time.