Reviews from

in the past

Never played, just joining the bandwagon

This game has gained quite a reputation for being notoriously terrible, and I went in expecting more of a "so bad it's good" kind of vibe. However, it turned out to be just plain boring after a while. I must admit, though, the opening is surprisingly entertaining and funny, giving a good glimpse of the game's mechanics. Credit where it's due. The game is essentially divided into driving and combat arenas. While there have been many complaints about the driving, I personally didn't find it that terrible. Admittedly, I'm not very familiar with racing games, so maybe my perspective is different. As for the combat, it was more functional than I anticipated. However, Jake's kick move is ridiculously overpowered, repeatedly stunning enemies. Personally, I found shooting the enemies to be much more effective. Although, the continuous slow-motion effect triggered by headshots became particularly annoying over time. So, I was stuck choosing between the incredibly time-consuming melee or the really bothersome slow-motion headshots.

The story is laughably bad, centering around Jake's revenge plot as he tries to take down various gang members who killed his little brother. It's painfully obvious how unfinished this game is. One part made me go, "Holy shit, this can't be real." There was this text that appeared next to Jake saying, "All enemies in this arena have been cleared." Fixing such a simple issue would literally take 3 seconds in the development build. It really puts into perspective the insane production cycle this game must have had. In summary, it's a far more interesting game to learn about than it is to actually play.

The Room of Videogames. Played the whole thing with a friend and we laughed all the way to the end.

Unbelievably horrible, impressive even. Some of the worst dialogue I’ve ever heard . Gameplay you’d expect if you took a dev team from the 80s and gave them the shittiest modern technology possible.

And no joke, there’s several missions in which you save a girl from being sexually assaulted, and no joke you start banging the chick right then and there, sometimes in the same as room as the dead body of the rapist you murdered😂 ffs man

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This game sucks.

I love it.

Well, at least this game has a soul and personality. It's completely unique and there is no other game like it. That's quite an achievement. I enjoyed this game very much, it's not good but it's certainly worth experiencing. If you are bored with generic characters, conformistic stories and conservative sensitivity in modern games, this game may offer some relief and a breath of fresh air.

I watched the TotalBiscuit review of this game as it released and thought "It can't be that bad"...
I even recreated the floating bike within the first 2 hours, so that's something...

The amount of fully clothed sex scenes in this game is staggering. Just an insane amount of denim-on-denim friction.

Everyone hate this game because its all broken, and they are right. But i liked it, at least for me it was funny, i enjoy it, the gameplay, the shooter, the motorcycle missions, the soundtrack.

When I was like 12, my older cousin gave me his 360 and a bunch of his old games. This was unfortunately one of them. One stint of morbid curiosity later and my entire weekend was ruined. No, just no. I wish I could give this a zero, every single solitary frame from the opening scene to the credits is nothing but hell, actual torture. Fuck this thing, and fuck whoever made it. Usually I don't insult dev teams, but when the game is both horrendous AND has a sexist protagonist... yeah no, fuck all of you for making this.

Its hilariously-poor presentation and abundance of game-breaking bugs are a hoot for the uninitiated, but you wouldn't want to be caught dead actually trying to play this through to completion. Count your blessings that this shovelware stinker's long since been delisted from Steam.

This feels like the type of game that DarkSydePhil would unironically enjoy.

"Ever slice an ear off a baby cow? They scream... And scream... Heh, it's funny."

If you treat this as a really fucked up version of Dragon Ball its kinda awesome actually

Funniest non EDF game ever made

Yes I uh really beat this game XD on a live stream for fun and pretty much for laughs. Entire game is janky with cutscenes, sound, controls, acting, and performance. The main draw is the fun jank-ness the game has, I love to Mystery Science Theater 3000 any kind of media and this game is fun to make fun of. Sometimes the action or gunplay can kinda be fun but the combat can be damage sponges levels. This game is quite a ride indeed and you jank is funny to you then this is one to... not quite pick up but look at???