Reviews from

in the past

havent tried this yet. that cover art doh

I mean, it was kinda fun for a bit, ig.
Also fuck Garo that slimy fuck shit ass

I don't know how to compare this to anything as I've never played anything like it, but the simplest descriptor would be "government simulator." Of course, placing it in modern times would probably make it boring, so it's in some space colony in the future with a bunch of aliens/etc.

There's no town-building aspects that might save something like this from monotony, it's basically a bunch of screens with portraits where you decide the "policies" for the day, which really just ends up being who to bribe next or who to assassinate. It has a very board game quality, as you can play with up to four people taking turns.

I get some Dune vibes but I haven't actually read Dune, it just seems inspired by it coming from someone that has a cursory interest and has seen some of the movies, that's about it.

Ultimately, this just doesn't seem like my type of game and it feels archaic now. Might have been interesting in 92 to someone else however. Big shrug.