Reviews from

in the past

If I had one critique about Pert-em-Hru it’s that the game is too short. From what I gather (and looking at the cut content on The Cutting Room Floor) the game was going to be bigger and scope, but was deemed too be to much work to take on by the small dev team, which is pretty fair. I think the most interesting side effect of this is that all of the possible party members and can learn new skills through levelling up, but due to how infrequent encounters are it’s something you’d only really see if you stick with a single party member.

The game itself though is still a fun and breezy experience with some killer sprite work, especially with regards to the enemy design. As a horror experience it’s hardly going to keep you up at night, but the devs aren’t pulling their punches with regards to the violence.

As a final note, I’d definitely recommend going in blind on a first playthrough; a big part of the appeal is just seeing how well you do in keeping the cast alive and seeing if you can do better next time.