Reviews from

in the past

I'd rather play Sonic 06. At least it tried.

Perhaps the most mediocre video game ever made, it's so bland it slips into being just totally fucking awful. No good qualities here aside from some nice music.

this is the only sonic game i've ever played

i really wanted to like this game but i just couldn't

This game should feel lucky I don't rate it any lower than the 1 star I gave it. This game is everything I hate about modern day Sonic. They tried to sell super sonic as paid DLC. Episode shadow is just playable Shadow the Hedgehog for 3 levels.
The custom hero is the best part about this game. Collecting new gear as you progress was nice.

No puedo poner 0 estrellas.
Ni siquiera compré este juego, un amigo me lo prestó
Me lo terminé en como un día.
Pese a no haberlo pagado, me sentí estafado.

decent enough game held back a bit by clunky controls fro the 2D/side-scroller sections. Picked it up for $4.29 at my local Goodwill and enjoyed picking up and playing it now and then. Looks preety good when played on my Series X.

Just go play sonic frontiers for better music and gameplay.

Classic Sonic Forces His Way Into This Entry.

Sonic Forces is often coined as one of the worst games in the series but honestly as flawed as it is in areas i still think it makes for a pretty enjoyable experience all in all sure it isn't perfect but nothing is so I will dabble in why I think this entry is rather underlooked and deserves more credit that it gets as of current.

The first game to utilize the hedgehog engine 2 and in someways even generations and unleashed look better mainly because of the character models and textures but overall the game looks pretty good especially its city levels used in the premotional art quite visually appealing its not the best looking entry but it's solid enough

Gameplay (Classic Sonic):
Lets get this out of the way honestly yeah it does really suck to be honest I have no idea why they had to shoehorn him into this game the mania tie in is cool but the gameplay itself really blows its just degraded generations gameplay with a dropdash but outside of the dropdash he controls terribly and to make matters worse he has some of the weakest level design in classic sonic history no amount of good physics would fix this mess but I still had my moments of fun with him here so he is easily the biggest issue with forces but never the less we will move on.

Gameplay (Avatar):
I mean it's basically modern sonic gameplay with no boost on surface level but what makes this appealing is the different races/animals + wispon combinations that can make replaying and clearing stages satisfying as you can try to figure out the most optimal route with each wispon and alot of paths are only takable with certain wispons and each wispon can spawn with bonuses like a landing/stomp dash that when combined with racial abilities becomes fun to experiment with granted you can kind of just use bird + drill and anything + asteroid for bosses to kinda breeze through avatar levels.

Gameplay (Modern Sonic):
Probably the highlight of the game for most people including myself and honestly I barely consider it a downgrade from its previous installments and would still have it in the same tier as unleashed/colors/generations because sure the air boost can be OP but it can act as a triple jump of some sort and can be fun to use especially in 2d sections and the homing attack chains really well here the biggest issue is some level design in certain levels and the stomp being kinda slow and his acceleration without boost that sure are issues but minor ones at that i'd take it over having some kinda demerit gimmic being tacked onto the gameplay + the acceleration isn't a big issue as you're gonna be boosting 3/4's of the time as him anyways.

Banger.Honestly the forces soundtrack has so many really strong songs in it and is underlooked in the grandscope of the franchise I think some of its songs can easily fit into my S tier if I were to make a sonic soundtrack tier list and can make some of the levels its paired with super exciting with the spectacle of some of the QTE's and mini cutscenes.

Voice Acting:
I mean it's pretty on par with all the meta era games there really isn't much change in direction here until frontiers so we will just have to get to that when the time comes but everything i've said in my colors and generations reviews will apply here so if you'd like you can go read them for more context but no pressure stick here if forces is all you care for.

Honestly there is some pretty bad dialogue but most of that is the translation being overly edgy but outside of a few really bad lines they feel pretty inline with how they should be here I think people blow "how bad" it is out of proportion and honestly the weakest characters here are tails and infinite for sure but everyone else is solid.

Yeah definitely one of the if not the weakest aspect of the game I appreciate the more "serious" tone it tried to take even if it failed and the mania tie in but outside of that... yeah its bad like really bad the "seriousness" falls flat with some of the dialogue being too cheesy and on the other hand some dialogue goes overly edgy and goes unbelieveable especially paired with it not actually matching up well with the events on screen overall a really weak narrative that doesn't really deliver anything or a message for that matter.The only message is surface level and its to not give up and fight for what you believe in as part of a resistence but yeah nah its unremarkable at best.

One of the best aspects here is replayability from the red star rings to the daily missions and missions in general there is alot here to come back too and the leaderboard was great before it got hacked/modded times but time attacking the game is still really fun outside of classic sonic as going fast with modern and avatar can be pretty unconventional in a good way and while maybe not sonic colors or generations levels of replayability there is still alot of fun to be had with this title.

One of the most overhated games in the franchise because people only focus on what it did wrong without putting the perspective on what it exceeded in it's disheartening to see its "1.9" review on backloggd as that is criminally low for this title it should atleast be a 2.5 as at worst its just a mediocre game but I personally like this game alot and see it as the end to a controversial era.

This game was originally revealed as "Sonic Project 2017".

It's fine. It runs well unlike a lot of sonic games. It's just short, and bland.

It's hysterical how Sonic 06 apologists have a hard-on for making this game out to be the spawn of Satan when it's still not as bad as the one they defend, get a grip guys lmao

2.5/10, didn't own it used a timed trial. I beat it and got into a top 100 speedruns for a level

as fases finais são um belo de um excremento, mas esse jogo ta longe de ser tão ruim quanto dizem

The Worst Sonic game ever. At least Boom and 06 are so bad it's kinda funny. This game is just sad. Garbage. Deserves a 0.

you can finish this entire game and still get a steam refund

fun on a base level and the level design, while bad, isn't as bad as it's made out to be. It's a straight line if you let it be but it's fun to explore

i got this game on sale for like $5 and i still felt ripped off

if u skip the cutscenes u can beat it in under 2 hours and get the steam refund. i can confirm this works. this is still better than frontiers

Beat it on a lost bet. 2/10

multiple levels where holding forward will beat the game.

This looking a lot more like sand hill right now.

In my opinion this game is underrated! I really enjoyed the gameplay and the fact that it was a sort of sequel of sonic mania according Classic Sonic. A nice adding was the customizable character, I love those kind of things in videogames

"Green hill zone is looking a lot more like SAND hill zone!"

I got this game for free on PlayStation, I'm glad I didn't have to spend a single dollar on this game. It had so much potential to be a great game, but it ended up falling flat on its face with a bland villain, rushed and flawed story and bad level design.

Certainly a video game. One of all time, even.