Reviews from

in the past

Sonic Team decided to go for a darker tone than previous Sonic games and what better way to do that than with Eggman conquering the world which led to a game which was very automated.

The story is a wasted opportunity. The world has been ravaged by Eggman and his new lackey called Infinite. Infinite is an underutilised character with strange powers. At a point, Sonic gets captured, Sonic's friends say he has been tortured for months but he looks fine and cracking jokes. They also say Tails has lost it but hes fines and trying to repair E-123 Omega. It is clear there were some errors in translation.

The game follows Sonic Generations, Modern and Classic Sonic and newcomer the Avatar. Modern Sonic is super automated needing no brain power to beat the games. Just hold the boost button and you will beat the game in 4 hours. Classic Sonic is much worse than in Generations. The Avatar uses wisp powers to beat enemies. Some levels require Sonic and the Avatar teaming up, using the boost to speed through the levels and the Avatar taking down Eggman's Robots.

The Avatar is the answer to MANY people making their own characters. You can choose the species with each having their unique abilities. You can change clothes with them being cosmetic.

The vocal soundtracks are awesome. The main theme, Fist Bump performed by Douglas Robb, leader singer of Hoobastank, is inspiring to listen to. Infinite's theme called Infinite performed by Tyler Smyth and Andy Bane is sinister and dangerous.

This is one of the most average Sonic games, don't bother with it.

This story has been tackled better by the comics - literally each run of them, too. This whole concept has been tackled in an infinitely more interesting manner by the Fleetway series, the Archie series and now also the IDW series. The Archie series even features a further elaboration on what if Sonic was (presumed) dead!

As for the gameplay, fucking hell. I'm already not too fond of Boost-era Sonic gameplay, but this? This reduces the whole formula to the very boost-to-win format that we mocked with scorn when Sonic Unleashed was out; and this game makes Sonic Unleashed look like the most intricately crafted game to ever be sold.

I've heard some say its polished. Firstly, I beg to differ, because I encountered so many bugs on my run through the game, whether that be clipping through floors, scripted events breaking á la Sonic '06, or any other host of things. Secondly, there's not even too much here to polish. What, you want to brag about how polished nine different fucking instances of Green Hill are? Okay. Sure.

I truly do apologise if you like this game, I don't mean to attack you, but I really want to know what anybody sees in it. It derives it's premise and concepts from other pieces of Sonic media whilst executing far, far worse than any of those that it's stolen from.

Sonic Team at their most Sonic Team-y. That is to say, blindingly incompetent hogwash.

Had a cool premise, but just handled so poorly and it desperately needed more time

A terrible videogame. I could not even begin to describe why this title is a complete insult to the Sonic series in this log, mainly, because I already did:
But if you don't want to read all of it, which I fully understand, it esentially takes nearly every possible wrong design decision they could've made, on top of it being a complete misunderstanding of the philosophies this franchise has been built upon for years. Just a miserable experience. If you're looking for a fun Sonic experience, avoid Sonic Forces at all costs.

This is easily one of the worst video games I’ve ever played, It’s so soulless and feels like a quick cash grab made to appeal generations fans but fails miserably. Bad gameplay, alright music, terrible story (had so much potential but misses hard) and dialogue that was laughable. Don’t buy this garbage

I'd rather play Sonic 06. At least it tried.

Perhaps the most mediocre video game ever made, it's so bland it slips into being just totally fucking awful. No good qualities here aside from some nice music.

this is the only sonic game i've ever played

i really wanted to like this game but i just couldn't

This game should feel lucky I don't rate it any lower than the 1 star I gave it. This game is everything I hate about modern day Sonic. They tried to sell super sonic as paid DLC. Episode shadow is just playable Shadow the Hedgehog for 3 levels.
The custom hero is the best part about this game. Collecting new gear as you progress was nice.

No puedo poner 0 estrellas.
Ni siquiera compré este juego, un amigo me lo prestó
Me lo terminé en como un día.
Pese a no haberlo pagado, me sentí estafado.

Очень странная игра. Есть интересные моменты, но в целом игра довольно плохая. Некоторые уровни слишком короткие. Сюжет похож на фанфик по вселенной, нежели на официальную часть вселенной.

MUCH better than Lost World, and I'll always appreciate this game for being the reason we have the Idw comics and the Avatar specifically for why said comics have Whisper.

That said though the game is still very underwhelming, full of missed opportunities and Santiago's inclusion makes both him and this game worse

This game has terrible level design and is short and boring. Why did I 100% complete it?

It was entertaining enough for me to beat it. If i was a child, this would be a good Sonic game that would get me into the franchise. But now, as an adult, its just a candy that you eat and forget about it the moment its over.

one star for allowing me to make a sonicsona that can wear a gamer hat with matching crocs.
-4 stars for everything else.

2.5/10, didn't own it used a timed trial. I beat it and got into a top 100 speedruns for a level

as fases finais são um belo de um excremento, mas esse jogo ta longe de ser tão ruim quanto dizem

The Worst Sonic game ever. At least Boom and 06 are so bad it's kinda funny. This game is just sad. Garbage. Deserves a 0.

you can finish this entire game and still get a steam refund

fun on a base level and the level design, while bad, isn't as bad as it's made out to be. It's a straight line if you let it be but it's fun to explore

i got this game on sale for like $5 and i still felt ripped off

if u skip the cutscenes u can beat it in under 2 hours and get the steam refund. i can confirm this works. this is still better than frontiers

Beat it on a lost bet. 2/10