Reviews from

in the past

eu lembro dele ser muito bom, mas memoria afetiva sabe com é né.

This game is incredible, was the highlight game of my childhood!

Great game but fuck the Hoth level in the campaign mode that shit sucks

One of the best star wars games ever made.

The true Battlefront II. Just a pretty well rounded game overall.

The beginning of my love for dogfights.

Man, I spent many hours as a kid playing the galactic conquest and hero vs villains mode.

This game. This FUCKING game is so FIRE

Heroes v villains mode all the way bb.

This and the Lego games were my first and only exposure to the prequels until like 8 years ago and I wish it stayed that way.

Playing the greatest Star Wars battles anyway I want!

This game I am internally bias so I want to get that out of the way right now. This game is part of my Backloggd Top 5 and it is with good reason.

I think this is the best Star Wars Shooter Experience on the 6th Generation of consoles. I played this game on PC and PS2. On PC I managed to only install the Remastered Mod while on PS2 I remained Vanilla. I think the experience is well suited on PC nowadays with how much variety and mods there are for SWB2 such as KOTOR and different types of Era and Clone War varieties. On PS2 it remained with the nostalgia I had when I was a kid. I had a hard time managing to save up for this game but my father was kind enough to let us rent this game (Yeah renting from our local movie rental place. I think what sucked me into this game was also that Star Wars Episode 3 was also playing in theatres and since the internet was very foreign to me; every slice of content from that movie I was very eager to play. It also did not help that TV commercials were playing for both Episode 3 and SWB2. Anyways back to the game

This game certainly has alot of love thrown into it. From all the modes it offers to the impressive amount of Maps and even SPACE battles which was super unheard of for this type of caliber game. I was mesmerized and even while playing it as a adult it certainly still remained to captivate me with details I did not catch as a kid. The story about seeing the war from the 501st was a cherry on top and it ties up all the memorable battles quite nicely albeit the gameplay and objectives were quite straight forward.

What was really the Slam duck IMO was being able to play your FAVORITE HEROES AND VILLIANS. This was something I was dreaming since I played the first game. Now being able to play as the Jedi/Sith or even the Alien lifeforms on some Hunt modes. This was a experience of a lifetime. The modes offered here as well from Instant action and my all time favorite Galactic Conquest certainly separates it from all the modern star was shooters and its a shame that mode has never come back in any capacity in our modern age.

As many have probably said in this review. This game is GOATED for a reason. Music, Gameplay and even the Online component is still active on PC and still remains nostalgic as ever. This game holds such a special place in my heart and I can never forget it. It celebrates all that was great with Star Wars as it was gearing up to its conclusion in the movies. (at the time). Lots of rich features to explore about and with some of the most fun shooting and dogfights. Do not miss this game if you are a Star Wars fan. Early 2000s was a era not to messed with for Star Wars.

Some experiences can never be recreated

Thrilling stuff, genuinely might've inspired my love of the Star Wars music since they loop it so wonderfully and use some slightly lesser known songs.

Great worldbuilding, I explored conservatively 99% of playable area.

Fav maps: Kashyyk, Mygeeto, Yavin 4 Temple

i dont know what kind of sith magic they did to make this game run on a psp but its pretty amazing, didnt play until recently but im sure i would have loved it as a kid

Every year I come back to play and Every year I am reminded of how incredible and immersive this game still is. This game had so many iconic maps that will forever remain with me and the amount of quotable lines from this game is insane. The story mode (Whilst just reused multiplayer maps) is one of the most impactful Star Wars stories ever told all from Temuera Morrisons own voice as he gave one of his best performances he had given in all of Star Wars. This game delivered on its promises and will always be remembered for it.

Might still be the best Star Wars game.

Fantastic Star Wars game! Plenty of game modes, characters, and maps. If you're a big Star Wars fan and want to play one of the greatest Star Wars games ever made then I definitely recommend giving it a try.

Não lembro de ter terminado a campanha (se tem alguma né), mas joguei demaaaaaaaaaaais o modo coop. Minha memória afetiva mantém ele lindo como sempre foi.

For years, Battlefront 2 used to be the greatest Star Wars experience. Before the Dark Times. Before EA & DICE.

It's Battlefront II. It's awesome.

This is videogame royalty. I got this game for my 10th birthday and played it with my friends literally all night. The storymode was a fun addition and a great improvement from the first Battlefront.