Reviews from

in the past

Playing the greatest Star Wars battles anyway I want!

This game I am internally bias so I want to get that out of the way right now. This game is part of my Backloggd Top 5 and it is with good reason.

I think this is the best Star Wars Shooter Experience on the 6th Generation of consoles. I played this game on PC and PS2. On PC I managed to only install the Remastered Mod while on PS2 I remained Vanilla. I think the experience is well suited on PC nowadays with how much variety and mods there are for SWB2 such as KOTOR and different types of Era and Clone War varieties. On PS2 it remained with the nostalgia I had when I was a kid. I had a hard time managing to save up for this game but my father was kind enough to let us rent this game (Yeah renting from our local movie rental place. I think what sucked me into this game was also that Star Wars Episode 3 was also playing in theatres and since the internet was very foreign to me; every slice of content from that movie I was very eager to play. It also did not help that TV commercials were playing for both Episode 3 and SWB2. Anyways back to the game

This game certainly has alot of love thrown into it. From all the modes it offers to the impressive amount of Maps and even SPACE battles which was super unheard of for this type of caliber game. I was mesmerized and even while playing it as a adult it certainly still remained to captivate me with details I did not catch as a kid. The story about seeing the war from the 501st was a cherry on top and it ties up all the memorable battles quite nicely albeit the gameplay and objectives were quite straight forward.

What was really the Slam duck IMO was being able to play your FAVORITE HEROES AND VILLIANS. This was something I was dreaming since I played the first game. Now being able to play as the Jedi/Sith or even the Alien lifeforms on some Hunt modes. This was a experience of a lifetime. The modes offered here as well from Instant action and my all time favorite Galactic Conquest certainly separates it from all the modern star was shooters and its a shame that mode has never come back in any capacity in our modern age.

As many have probably said in this review. This game is GOATED for a reason. Music, Gameplay and even the Online component is still active on PC and still remains nostalgic as ever. This game holds such a special place in my heart and I can never forget it. It celebrates all that was great with Star Wars as it was gearing up to its conclusion in the movies. (at the time). Lots of rich features to explore about and with some of the most fun shooting and dogfights. Do not miss this game if you are a Star Wars fan. Early 2000s was a era not to messed with for Star Wars.

Some experiences can never be recreated

Didn't play this one as much as the first one, but it's still great. The maps are awesome, and playing as the Jedi heroes was a total power trip.

Perfection, yeah the frame rate on PS2 was pretty bad but 8 year old me didn't care one bit

A load of fun. Easily one of the best Star Wars games.

just like the simulations

what an absolute treasure of a game.

I remember liking this a lot. My current score may go higher on a revisit.


fun though not particularly deep gameplay. all of the base classes have their uses, while the secondary ones vary wildly in quality, but thats part of the charm. its really interesting how different people have their favorite little guys they like to be. unfortunately, its hard to find populated servers nowadays that both run unmodded versions AND dont run the much worse capture the flag mode.

Remember wasting many hours playing co-op with friends on this.

I thought the game wouldn’t hold up this long later.
No, it very much holds up.
Heroes are a blast, playing as a foot soldier is still fun, graphics may suffer a tad but that’s fine considering it being an original Xbox title.

It's Battlefront II. It's awesome.

This is videogame royalty. I got this game for my 10th birthday and played it with my friends literally all night. The storymode was a fun addition and a great improvement from the first Battlefront.

Landmark SW game, So much attention to detail and at the time this game was truly a sight to behold and play.
Inclusion of Ep4-6 as well as Ep 1-3 Content kept me playing this for hours as a kid and even an additional 20 hours on PC as a teenager.

Absolute classic (personally I like the first one better but I recognize how much of an improvement this one is)

I had so much fun playing this game back in the old days. I really want to replay it to see if it holds up today.

3/5 I recommend.

My Battlefront (2005) ►

Divertido, a campanha tem seus momentos baixos e enjoativos mas ainda é um bom game para sua epoca, vale a pena dar uma jogada hj em dia.

God bless the 501st God bless the empire. and gentlemen START YOUR ENGINES

Pinnacle of Star Wars games, that multiplayer was so good.

I don't like Star Wars but this is cool

(Played on Elite)

I think that republic frigate engines look like pizza hut cheesy bites crusts. But I discovered this game around the same time I discovered pizza hut, so those two things were probably just a large percentage of the number of concepts I knew about at the time.