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So I actually bought this before I had played the base game of Streets of Rage 4. Whilst a quality addition in it's own right, it feels like the right way to play it allowing to swap between story mode & the new inclusion of survival mode here to freshen things up.

Mr. X Nightmare story wise is meant to be an AI training program made by Dr. Zan after the events of Streets of Rage 4 for the crew to practice their skills. In reality it's essentially a wave based horde mode called survival that randomises the enemies, power ups and weapons getting progressively harder as the waves progress. Completing a wave will unlock some perks for you to choose from as a permanent buff going into the next one allowing you to build up your character to your choosing. To a degree at least, as these power ups are random from a set pool. Getting the same power up will increase it's level making it stronger which can be done up to four times per perk. The perks themselves are pretty varied including elemental effects. Poison which is great for big heavy targets, lightning and fire which work more for crowd control. There are basic stats buffs, weapon buffs as well as some more risk reward types like healing when attacking but food will no longer replenish health etc.

When playing co-op as I was most of the time only one of you can choose one of these perks. You have to work it out between you, share the poison or buff one person? Is one of you focusing purely on weapon usage? It makes a slightly interesting dynamic as these later waves can get extremely tough with multiple bosses taking large health pools. This isn't to mention that different levels also have environmental hazards like fire spewing on the ground, wind pushing you on the air craft carrier or occasional lasers. These can also be used against enemies too if played right. This all results in the survival mode having a surprising degree of tactical aspects to it. My friend and I only ever managed to get past wave 30 once on hours of trying, but it was fun the whole time.

This DLC also comes with three new characters to play as (and one secret one...), all of which were bosses in the base game. The first is Max making a return as a series staple. The second is Estelle, a brand new character and lastly Shiva, another series fan favourite. Each control incredibly well with a little practice and don't feel like throw ins. I especially like Estelle who has great range and power but the others are also great. The most fun we had on one of our survival runs was playing as Streets of Rage 2 Max and Streets of Rage 4 Max Power Sliding and suplexing everyone as we went.

The base game characters haven't been forgotten either with Survival mode earning experience for whomever you play as slowly unlocking alternative moves for their, blitz, special and star attacks. These aren't just extra moves but customisable for each type choosing which version you find more useful allowing to essentially build your character with varied move sets to help you progress further into survival. I really liked this.

All these new characters, weapons and features increase the re-playability of the game. These aren't limited to the DLC but transfer to the base story and arcade modes. Want to play as a customised Shiva through the storyline? Go for it. It all blends into the game extremely well like it should have always been there and is extremely well priced at just shy of £6.

If you liked Streets of Rage 4, there is no reason to not get this. I actually encourage it.

+ Survival mode is really fun.
+ New characters are all really fun to play.
+ New moves giving each character more variation.
+ Power Slide!

The idea of combining Streets of Rage with rogue-like elements is so great, that it hurts so much greater, that its such a bad execution of this idea.

The randomness should more so be in the quality of the items you find than in the difficulty of each individual level. The items range from completely useless to very slight upgrades, which is sad, because nutters synergies are often the biggest appeal of rogue-likes.

One might then hope for rogue-light elements, meaning a skill tree between runs, but that one sucks even more. You only unlock more moves, that are too slow to be viable.

+ personagens jogáveis e um modo infinito = + streets of rage
+ streets of rage = eu feliz

Endless mode and 3 characters for the base game, not a must buy unless you mained Shiva/Max in the old games, or wanna play Estelle

Pelo preço e o que pode oferecer, e até que uma boa dlc, adicionando 3 personagens jogaveis, 1 modo novo (rogue like) e agora 1 moveset novo para cada slot, podendo fazer varias combinações e ajudando no fator replay, em contrapartida para adquirir esses movesets é necessário jogar o modo roguelike e pra você liberar TODOS você tem que grindar UM ABSURDO, tipo... muita coisa mesmo, como o modo não é tão complexo assim, acaba não sendo tão divertido de pegar todos os movesets e se torna um problema, mesmo assim até que vale a pena pegar.

Boa DLC, só não tem nota maior por conta do grind do roguelike.