Reviews from

in the past

Can you ever really complete a game like this? Yeah let's just say you can. I still keep coming back to it to play some good ol' cranegame every so often.

Just like the arcades you've probably been to without the fear of going in debt for a plushie and some crappy mp3 player.

[originally written on steam]

Pretty fateful to the arcade games they are replicating, but it dose get a bit dull after a while.

Fun to kill some time playing arcade games

A perfect recreation of all things arcade, but the connective tissue (survival mode) is extremely dull, while the free-roam mode is unsatisfying. I have no doubts that the game will improve over time though, and for a game in early access, it's extremely promising.

This game is SO WEIRD i love it, there's so much more than just arcade machines lol.
It feels super cheap but at the same time it feels like a lot of work is been put into it, the locations feel very realistic, like the mall for example. I hope it keeps being developed because it has a lot of potential.

I saw the twitch streamer Dougdoug play this against another twitch streamer and it honestly captured the feeling of arcade games and carnival rides perfectly. From the terrible crane game grip strength to the absurd rng, it truly captured the arcade feel. Good with friends if you are on a budget and can't go out with them to an actual arcade.

This game is a little unique. Its not much a game, but more like a "simulator" I bought this game nearly 4 years ago, and compared to what I remember, its way bigger. I played on "Birthday Mode", mostlky because I am a pussy, but because i wanted to experience everything without issue. This game was an experience for sure, its very unpolished in some areas, but it sought out for what it needed to do. I recognized many of the arcade games, and each of the 4 locations had atleast one unique game to play.
I enojyed my time with it alot, and the arcade games seemed to rely on skill more than their in real life counterparts, which is nice. There were also minigames like Mini Golf, and Racing, which I liked, but were again, very unpolished. The gameplay is fine, theres not much to say, but I would give it a much higher score once the game has a more distinct style, and less rough edges. Good time to chill, though.

I find myself coming back to The Coin Game every now and then to relax and unwind, scoring some fictional tickets. The games are actually fair, so it's a lot of fun to try and get good at them, or at least go for high scores. An enjoyable romp, and leaves me waiting for every update.

Love arcade games and I love janky games, not bad and kind of boring after you figure out how to get ez infinite money on Stacker by day 4. Still great tho

who else got crippling dunko addiction

who knew an arcade sim would be so relaxing & therapeutic?! x'3

woah sorry guys gotta go clint stevens is streaming...

better and cheaper than going to actual arcades

i want brutalmoose to kiss me on my open mouth

5 stars is the only rating I can imagine giving a game that nails everything it wants to do with such breadth, and I'm pretty sure it's just one dude making this thing. I come back to this every update, and it's such a treat. It perfectly captures the nostalgia of being a kid in an arcade. Any kind of arcade, from carnival games to a gas station arcade cabinet, is on display here, and the whole game is wrapped in a comical kid-friendly Westworld aesthetic.