Reviews from

in the past

fire game, really a perfect remake
the game is really lovable and charming, and i think the toy-world aesthetic was a great choice
i never found myself struggling too much, although the dungeons were usually confusing. overall a very fun game

100% will beat this game when the time permits beacause

only zelda game capable of making me feel emotional

Idk what logsgamelog is saying below me, this game is worth $60. Best 2D Zelda I've played

i like this game but i get really frustrated with some of the dungeons and the trade sequence. i had to put the game down during the last dungeon and absolutely could not figure out what to do afterwards. maybe someday i'll come back to wake up that fish and delete the cute little island

This game was alright. Having never played the original, the general layout and design of the game holds up pretty well, but most of my issues stem from how it was remade. The game stutters constantly and there are many minor things that irked me as a big fan of 2D Zeldas.

I tried playing through the original Link's Awakening again, but there's just no reason now that we have this wonderful remake. It's by far my favorite of the top-down Zelda games, and my favorite Zelda in general after TotK and BotW. The original took everything that worked about ALttP, streamlined it, and gave it a vibrant personality. The remake takes that, modernizes it, and builds on the personality with its absolutely incredible art style. Cannot recommend this game more.

Not a lot to be said here I guess. Minus some frame rate issues it’s a solid remake of one of the best gameboy games

Genuinely fantastic video game

Creative world building, story telling, art style, music. This game is amazing

The dungeons can tend to be hit or miss at times, but the final three in my opinion are perfect

This game has a good style. It is so much fun and is a great game to play if you want to play a classic Zelda.

The story a little bit meh, but the animation style, the music and the dungeons and the creatures... I SEE THAT

apresento o melhor zelda 2D aqui

Amazing Zelda game, although combat is bland, everything else about it is really great, intuitive puzzles and dungeon design, fun art style and a story so goofy it's good.


This is literally the worst remake I have ever played. It fixes none of the problems with the original game and is faithful to a FAULT (why can I only move in 8 directions, WHEN YOU COULD MOVE FREELY IN A LINK BETWEEN WORLDS WHICH RELEASED 6 YEARS BEFORE THIS GAME!?!?!?!?!!?). Also, I'm sorry to those that like it, but the art style SUCKS. The original game was limited by its hardware, but whoever made this game didn't want to make it to interpret what it would have been like to release the game in the modern day and age, but only made it because they were nostalgic for the original and ABSOLUTELY REFUSED to accept that it could ever be better than it already was. Astonishingly pathetic.

Okay, that old review of mine was pretty much recency hype, I look back on this game and I find myself not really enjoying it that much, it was fun, sure and the game is colorful and bringing in Mario enemies was also quite a delight, but I don't know, I guess I'm just not a fan of the old classic Zelda games, like having to look up how to get through certain places more times than I should've had to is pretty frustrating and if this is how the other classic Zelda games are, I think I'll just let this one be the only one of those I play.
All in all, it's alright, just not for me.

i hate this game more than link to the past

What a fun little remake! This is a true remastering with no changes to what made the game so enjoyable, but updates literally everything!

Having not played the original, this was an extremely charming way to experience Link's Awakening

Simplesmente incrível o quanto esse remake mostra que a nintendo faz jogo bom desde o início dos tempos na indústria de games

Still my favorite Zelda game, both this and the original Game Boy version.

Link to the Past may have been where the series really built a foundation, but I always felt like this is where a lot of the heart of Zelda really began. Stuff like a bigger focus on story, a cast of quirky characters, wider variety of dungeon mechanics and puzzles, etc.

The remake as far as I'm concerned is basically just a better version of the original. There's way more content and the QOL changes are a godsend. As much as I love the original game, having to constantly swap around your items is a pain in the ass. Having dedicated buttons for certain items makes it difficult to go back to the original sometimes.

I never really understood the complaints about the remake's visuals. Sure the frame drops can be distracting, but the actual art style is fine. I do kind of prefer the Game Boy aesthetics, but that's purely a nostalgia thing.

I do find it weird that they put this whole dungeon maker thing in the game, then just never did anything else with the concept. I was kind of expecting that to be the testing grounds for a Zelda maker, yet here we are years later with nothing. I actually kind of found this part of the remake fun, but I would have preferred them to keep the photograph house from the GBC version.

Overall, still my personal favorite Zelda, even after the goliaths that were Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. I've always loved how quaint Link's Awakening was compared to the other games. Still wishing they eventually make more 2D Zelda games, or at least have Grezzo do more remakes.

This Remake is lively and the style perfectly captures the tones and atmospheres of the gameboy era despite the new added content. It's cool to see Nintendo modernizing titles like this , but i feel like the game needs a lot of polishing and rework. It's fun to navigate and pacing is smooth while being faithful to the original. The remade OST is good with Tal Tal Mountains being godly. Framerate is inconsistent and you can see light drops here and there. Level Design has aged and not in a really good way considering the competition with the other 2D Zeldas. Still impressive for a GameBoy title , but we are on Switch and the game is FULL price. Dungeon Maker was a lot of wasted potential. Challenges were good and tried to be creative , but the maker itself felt redundant after a while considering you're replayng the same rooms over and over again. Good reshape of a really old and maybe forgotten title , we need title like this but not at 60 dollars please ...

[ 7.5 / 10 ]

An amazing remake, held back mostly by tech issues from the switch, low frame rate and awkward screen transitions but none of this is the games fault

very cool remake! I stole something and all the townspeople call me thief and it made me not want to play it :(

a very cute and relaxing experience perfect for scratching the zelda itch. this game feels as creative and different as majoras mask without straying too far from the series staple traditions.