Reviews from

in the past

This game kick-started a new chapter in my life, said as the highest compliment I can possibly give.

I had a though one day about how cool it would be if Infinity Blade came back, and not only an actual game, but how cool it would be as a VR game, because it would fit perfectly. That is almost exactly what this game is, but with more vibrant colors rather than a traditional medieval world. Genuinely very fun, and takes skill to keep playing, but not so much that it gets frustrating.

One of my favorite VR games to date, a blast of a rougelike and genuinely challenging at some points with interesting opportunity to create your own archetypes for runs.

I was actually at a convention in Columbus in late 2019. They were showing off a bunch of games that were going to come out soon and they had a VR station for this one. I kept coming back and had so much fun with it. Bought it on my Oculus I got for Christmas when it came out and had an absolute blast with it.

got me into vr but its nothing crazy

A fun little roguelike I picked up as an excuse to get some exercise. I think it fulfills that role, and I'm going to give it some extra points for that. I wish some of the weapons had a bit more variety, and there was smooth locomotion, but the game is fun enough as is, to where I'm willing to forgive most of it once I'm in the middle of slashing a neon knight to a million pieces.

I sweat so much when I play this game. Two handed hammer all the way