Reviews from

in the past

An Ueda-like with ideas and restraint, astounding tech art and color-bending environments.

It’s very pretty but feels horrible to play. The lack of handholding is made worse by poor camera and controls. It’s also packed with jank like regularly clipping through the environment. I hope the artists got to work on some better projects. Bailed after about 30 minutes

Başlangıçta Journey tadında hoş bir yapıma benziyor. Görsel tarzı gerçekten öyle ama sunduğu kamera açısı ve kontrol mekanikleri beni oyunun içerisinde toplam 1 saat tutabildi, gerçekten sıkıldım ki oynarken sıkılıyorsanız karşınızda efsane bir oyun dahi olsa sizlik değil demektir...

I don't know what I'm doing, my thumb hurts from mashing A to fly, and the camera has spazzed out on me a few times. Very unpleasant experience. Even the action-packed opening couldn't keep me playing to figure out wtf was going on

Feels twice as long as it is because of how annoying it is to play.