Reviews from

in the past

Yet another game from Cringetober 2022, this game is based on a TV show that is based on a comic, about these magical girls who gain powers from another world and despite being called "witches" when they transform they have large butterfly-like wings and attire that makes me think of fairies or sprites, but I guess witches are known to commune with nature so I guess it still makes sense. Especially as they clearly want to have the characters be "conventionally" attractive for young girls to identify with, which we see far too often in TV shows.

The game itself is a fun little platformer and even though I struggle with the story and even laugh at some of the most absurd moments, I still had a good time with it and can't hate it too much as it's still a fairly good platformer, but really not something I'd suggest looking into unless you're a fan of the show as there's better stuff out there. I'm still surprised at how fun and great that Disney Princess game was!
