Reviews from

in the past

A well-meaning and enjoyable linear "soulslike" adventure game that has quite a lot of charm (which is never a surprise, considering the developer), but is perhaps lacking a bit in terms of narrative and depth. It's a good time for a few hours and I'd recommend a buy, but certainly not a masterpiece by any means.

Sokpop's brilliant clarity extends from the visuals to the character stats, but they still can't make a fun soulslike IMO. Enemies block too much and take too many hits. Stupid thing to get hung up on but it's the whole game.

For the price this is stellar. Great for when you want to play a souls game, but don't want to commit to dozens of hours. Absolutely love the art style and vibe. The different builds and weapons were fun to play around with. Especially love all the npcs and their little side quests. Really loving this development team and am excited to check out their other stuff.