Reviews from

in the past

short, not much to it, but it still resonanted with me probably because i interpreted more into the writing than there was

shawty b emotionally $tunted !! ;(++/

Way to blow your whole gimmick within 3 clicks. Good thing I have real things to feel bad about instead of this.

If I wanted to get blamed for shit I didn't do then I would have just called my ex instead of playing this.

And yes like everyone else, I got sweet but aloof

free text-based indie game that does that "you get asked the same question and your response is ignored each time" thing that every free text-based indie game does. i don't hate it but it genuinely felt like a waste of the 5 minutes i spent doing it. not to be rude but i have no earthly idea how this could affect anyone when it feels so vague and nothing. i get what it was trying to go for, but there wasn't nearly enough subversion or intrigue to succeed. i feel like i played a fakedeep buzzfeed quiz.

Personality quiz that quickly transforms into competent if somewhat pedestrian breakup writing. Seems like almost everybody gets "sweet but aloof" from the comments I've read?

"Could you really be so cruel?" said the VN.

Fuck off.

same energy as the time i wasted 1/3 of my time spent so far on this planet. don't feel afraid to tell someone "please stay the fuck out of my life" if you've got to, play this if you want to simulate what it's like to not end up saying that to someone.

Very cute and very well-written. I love the format. Simple and effective.

The person who made this definitely listens to Slaughter Beach, Dog. Got Sweet, But Aloof, and also got weirdly emotional by the mention of a deck of cards. Them feelings be weird.

That hit extremely hard

The choice to be just text lets you, the player fill in the blanks. I see all my failed relationships in the game, the slow breakdown of a relationship that should have ended sooner.

That was great

YOU GOT: Sweet, But Aloof.

You're thoughtful. You write poetry for your partner, and buy them gifts when the heat gets to be too much. But your self-consciousness can get in the way sometimes; you're too embarrassed to share your poetry, and you go a long time without saying "I love you" out of fear that they won't say it back. Learn to open up. Learn to be vulnerable with another person. Otherwise, how will you ever really love them?