Reviews from

in the past

My mom wanted me to play an "educational" game for once. Not bad

I learned that two dogs sometimes weigh more than three dogs and also that I'm an idiot.

C'était sympa à faire, j'ai un cerveau de 2k et j'ai un peu mal à la tête mais j'suis fier mdr

my mom got better scores than me when i was 9 and would come to my room to brag about it to me

Actually super addicting, each of the high-score based minigames ramps up in difficulty in a perfect way, making you feel like you're learning something. Dr. Lobe is funny and I got sucked into this game for two days straight just trying to get better at (most of) the games. Underrated!

Was fun to play as a kid, don't have much memories tho

i 'member having fun with this as a young'un

A really good mini-game compilation if you want to feel stupid.

The academy Blob guy told me that my brain was so small and feeble, that I needed to work on my education. He basically threw me out of the classroom because I couldn't effectively count quarters in 30 seconds. He told me I was so stupid that I wouldn't be able to go on to do great things. Lastly, he told me that my brain capacity is the same as Michelangelo, the guy who sculpted THE STATUE OF DAVID and painted THE SISTINE CHAPEL and proceeded to give me a C- as an overall grade.

No great things will be had in my life, I already quit everything great ahead of me because of the Blob man in this game. I will never live this down. He beat my self-esteem with a frying pan and still haunts my nightmares.

Fun minigames, if a bit repetitive. Did I get smarter? Maybe not, but I still enjoyed watching the numbers go up.

Minigames were okay from what I remember

They rejected my application

i loved big brain for the wii, but the first entry made for ds just doesn't have that it factor. it feels like you would be faster if you didn't have to bounce between screens, and that kind of perceived lack of responsiveness can really kill a game. but also i mean! fun mini games! i love making pairs. you look at the weirdo card art and it makes this game seem like it was supposed to be a little more special than it was. but that's ok. we all start somewhere.
( C - )

really fun despite how simple it is