Reviews from

in the past


In short, a piece of shit for all ages. Instead of making a meme platformer based on the most annoying cat, they ended up making a disgusting knee-jerk platformer.

Если вкратце, кусок говна для всех возрастов. Вместо того, чтобы сделать мемный платформер по самому надоедливому коту, в итоге сделан отвратительный платформер на коленке.

bubsy please for once shut the hell up i'm trying to play

Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back is a mind-boggling journey into the abyss of horrible 2D platformers, serving as a painful reminder of why some franchises should stay buried. The inclusion of utterly useless collectibles is a testament to the game's commitment to pure mediocrity. The hope for the Woolies to strike Bubsy down seems like a desperate plea for an end to this onslaught of dogshit games. Bubsy's "humorous" involvement in the tragic event, 9/11, is not only tasteless but adds another layer of absurdity to this already disastrous experience. This game is a mockery of the platformer genre and deserves a generous 2 out of 10 for its unintentional comedic value.

Never before has there been a floatier hot mess than when Mary Poppins got caught in a flaming hurricane.

While it is competently made compared to some other games in this series, there's not a lot on offer here to keep you coming back, let alone even finishing the game. We live in a pretty awful timeline if Bubsy can get a reboot no one asked for while F-Zero languishes without a new game for over 20 years.

If you like cat puns and colorful yarn balls, do I have the game for you. Every level feels like the last and it gets very old very fast. Turn Bubsy's voice down to 0 pronto.

Played the first level and wrapped it up instantly after, I dont know what I expected, very janky, poor hit detection and graphics, unfunny jokes but thankfully that can be turned off. Nothing that sets it apart from it's peers and doesnt justify this reboot other then to say "yep Bubsy's back and just as bad as before" Burger king Xbox 360 games have more soul


have seen better 2d platformers made inside dreams

Fausto Vera em formato plataforma furry

This is the best Bubsy game I'll ever play. I've only played the first game, and I'm not looking to play the others at all. I only grabbed this cause it was on sale for $5 and honestly that's a perfect price for what you get on it.

14 levels, you can breeze through it in about an hour or less. Bubsy feels good to control especially with his pounce move. It just feels satisfying to blaze through the levels like that. His corny one-liners got a chuckle out of me because he really acts like he's "the shit" when he isn't. He never was. That's what makes him somewhat endearing to me as a goofy mascot character. Music is solid too btw.

The game runs and plays well, there's visual glitches but that aside, it's stable. This ain't a must play game, but on sale for $5 you could do alot worse (and better). Don't buy this game at full price.

Fun to speedrun but please don't buy it

A common tip for this game is to go into the options menu and mute Bubsy's voicelines. I get it but listen. Much like how I don't try to remove the lemon out of lemonade, why would I make the conscious decision to download Bubsy from the PS Plus catalog only to silence him?

Instead I set Bubsy's voicelines to the maximum setting. It felt exactly like a Bubsy game. This is not a compliment.

I was honestly surprised by this game. It plays well, the quips from Bubsy are tolerable (plus you can alter their frequency if they get on your nerves), and the game never feels too punishing.

It's also a platformer that does not feel confident in itself in any way and is desperately afraid of scaring you off with challenge. Almost every area where there's a challenge to get lives/wool has a path that lets you completely pass it by without issue. It's good for speed running and clearing stages without dying, but it also screams "We really REALLY want you to be able to beat this game!" I want to make it clear that I'm never against developers doing things to make a game easier for their audience, as accessibility features do a great job of allowing newcomers to games get a full experience, but Bubsy did accessibility in a way that neutered the stage design and turns stages from fun obstacle courses into straight lines that are over in under two minutes.

The only real sense of challenge you'll get from this game are from the boss fights, that are all just okay at best. It's your typical "Watch them do some moves and jump on them when they're vulnerable" routine that's common with games like this, for better or worse. Thankfully bosses have a good amount of moves to use and their attacks even get enhanced as you widdle their health down, so that helps to keep things interesting.

My final note regarding this game is how absurdly short it is. If you're playing casually and not going for trophies/achievements, you'll easily clear this game in under two hours! It's honestly very sad to see, since by the time you reach the end you'll be going "That's it?" This game could have easily lasted an extra two areas at least, but sadly that wasn't the experience we got. I'll never know why this game is as short as it is, but I can say with confidence that the length of this title leaves a lot to be desired.

Overall, this game is okay. When you're going after challenges and trying to clean out stages and take your time, you'll find a decent amount of fun here. However, the short length makes it difficult to recommend picking this up at full price. If you want to play this game, either wait for a VERY steep sale or try it out on PS+ Extra.