Reviews from

in the past

A somewhat hidden gem of its generation. Big, dumb, and full of guns.

Сколько яиц было отстрелено, сколько жоп было отбито...

so much fun... deserves more recognition

Такие игры в целом не мой профиль, но я прошла ещё в детстве. Все что я запомнила в итоге, это классная механика убийств. Ну и пару реально смешных фраз которые выдавал главный герой

Bulletstorm has aged worse for me than any other game. I first played Bulletstorm back when I was a high school freshman and loved it. At the time, it was everything I wanted in a shooter. A decade passes and I decide to buy the remaster, thinking it’d be fun to revisit one of my favorite 7th gen shooters, only to feel nothing but utter betrayal. The game I remembered being colorful, fast-paced, charming, and unique was actually this ugly, boring slog with godawful dialogue. I felt betrayed by my own memories, I couldn’t believe there had been a point in my life where I had actually liked this game.

One of Bulletstorm’s biggest sins is how it absolutely wastes the voice talents of Steve Blum and Jennifer Hale. Both actors have done extensive work in children’s media, yet Bulletstorm’s script might be the single most juvenile thing either of them have ever recorded. It’s nothing but ‘shit fuck ass balls’ from the moment the game starts to the moment the credits roll. This shit makes Borderlands dialogue look like Disco Elysium.

Above all else, Bulletstorm is just lacking in any real creativity. The skillshot system seems fun at first, until you realize just how little opportunity you’re given to experiment with them so you’ll just be doing the same basic ones over and over and over again. Aside from that, It’s the same basic 7th gen shooter you’ve played a million of that Bulletstorm promoted itself as the ‘wild and crazy’ alternative to.

A este juego le han dado mucha caña, pero yo me lo pasé muy bien con él

I still remember getting this and staying up late into the night to beat it. A very fond gaming memory. They get rarer and rarer as the years go by

Oh, Bulletstorm, how delightfully crude you are. For that is the crux of the game's chief aesthetic: A biting, cuss-filled, sci-fi satire of crudeness. Also, you kick and whip people into sharp things, which is pretty damn fun on its own. Literally everything else about this game (the characters, the look, the music) is great, too; the only regret I have about finishing it is that it'll likely never get a sequel.

my only regret about this game was not playing the shit out of it. i beat it once cuz i borrowed it from a friend and enjoyed immensely, but didn't have it for a long time.

Tylko Polacy mogli wykombinować zdalnie sterowanego Tyranozaura i czterorurkę. Chyba najlepszy pastisz tacticool shooterów, a do tego najładniej wyglądająca gra na Unrealu 3.

Diverte, mas enjoa fácil.
Bom pra brincar quando não tiver nada pra fazer. Seria melhor se não fosse cheio de cutscenes padrão filme lado B anos 80.

La historia no podría importarme menos, yo vine por los balazos y eso obtuve. Aún así, jugarlo una vez me parece suficiente.

There's something to this game. I really wish there was a sequel or some other game that would revisit and polish the ideas in this game. The score attack/stylish combat rankings and the various moves you had with your laser tether thing were great.

Pretty fun systems on a generic shooter.

I thought this game was funny. The gameplay was fine, but I really wasn't good at doing all the fancy kills in it.

Funniest game you never played. I used to yell "GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT" everytime I kicked an enemy into oblivion

My guilty pleasure game ... story is cringe, it's too short, but the gameplay is so fun idk why it just works for me fast paced creative, evolving

combo system is the only reason why you play it

Bulletstorm has extremely fun and robust gameplay with a lot of potential bogged down by the typical quirks you see in a 7th gen FPS. I had so much fun flinging and kicking enemies into hazards and seeing my points go up. However the campaign is just another shallow call of duty hallway shooter where you go from point A to B in a straight line with no room for explorarion or experimentation. The campaign is only 8 hours long and when you're done with it, there's really nothing else to do. The writing and story is also very 2009 GAMER if you know what I mean. To note, I played the new version of the game where it replaces the main character with Duke Nukem and makes the dialogue 100% funnier. The story is exactly the same but Duke is just himself in the main character's position and has no idea why he's in this game. One of the funnest premesis I've seen in a video game. That alone brings it up from a 6 to a 7.

basically no memory of this one

Kill With Skill™ by fragging those charlies with your holosight AR (oorAh) and taking cover to regenerate your health, just like how it was advertised in Duty Calls. Featuring Douche Nocum from the Duke Nukem Forever series.

Good and silly FPS, surprising amount of soul, extremely fun combo/points system. Just in general a really great unserious time.