Reviews from

in the past

i think ive played enough dicey dungeons for a good year or two, but this was a nice final episode with some cool new gimmicks for all the characters. some better than others.

enemy changes are mostly unremarkable, but some enemies have new equipment that help them feel more balanced. others i wish remained as they were originally, but i don't mind. i was hoping for at least a couple new enemies but im not gonna get pissy about a free update not having a bunch of new enemies. the new music and areas were fun enough.

most of what's interesting are the changes made to characters, whom i'll rank from least favorite to favorite!

6) jester - probably the biggest downgrade, unfortunately. their gimmick isn't terrible but it has a similar problem to base game witch where you can't build too far into a niche until you know which of the "equipable items" are going to show up in the shop. it sucks upgrading your electric equipment too early and not getting the battery item, or upgrading your mana dependent items and not getting the mana pendant. it's not terrible but i hated feeling pigeonholed into a playstyle depending on the shop items.

5) robot - a very interesting gimmick for sure, but one that doesn't strike the appeal of robot that they had in the base game. coin flips being wholly 50/50 means that there's a lot less methods to manipulate the jackpot in your favor, and replacing autoroll with fury is just puzzling to me. it's not terrible and there are ways to work around it, but it wasn't that fun for me compared to some of the others.

4) witch - pretty much the same as her halloween special, albeit easier on average. nothing as bad as the pumpkin spice puzzle, for sure. honestly my biggest complaint here is the music gets repetitive because it takes place over the entirety of one fight. still, inoffensive.

3) thief - thief feels the most "standard" out of any of the characters, but he's definitely not bad for a warmup character. it's sort of a mix between his first two episodes and the enemies have enough interesting equipment that thief can get some very fun builds going. i particularly enjoyed stealing singer's "return a good dice" equipment. it's basic, but fun.

2) inventor - this one's also interesting! it's a spin on her scrapping mechanic where instead of replacing equipment after every fight, equipment are all limited use. inventor in this episode actually felt a lot like robot in that you can either lean into the spontaneity of her constantly changing equipment or focus on using an item like whetstone that helps keep your build more consistent. this feels like the most improved character from the original game.

1) warrior - not only is the "workout" spin on warrior hilarious, but it makes for some really interesting and surprisingly challenging runs! the workout system is really fun as a delicate balance between longer term rewards from workouts such as max hp or building up to omnislash, and between doing direct attacks to end fights before they get too lethal. it's a limitation that makes warrior far more engaging and challenging despite still retaining a number of his old tricks.

so yeah! im definitely burnt out on the game at this point, but it was an incredibly fun ride and i dont regret having spent so much time with it. i hope terry cavanagh's next game is just as fun!

A simple, charming, yet still compelling rougelike. I love how the game really pushes the idea of using dice rolls to use attacks. Its the game that gave me the idea to use the threadmill while playing because its that addicting for me to do runs. A high recommend especially for turn-based rpg fans.

Last DLC of Dicey Dungeons, and a great way to wrap the experience up. Even though RNG obliterated my Robot and Jester runs several times, I had a great time.