Reviews from

in the past

remember final fantasy 4? remember cecil harvey? remember zeromus? remember the archfiends? remember mount ordeals? remember dark knights? remember golbez? remember the red wings? remember troia? remember rubicante being nicer than the other archfiends? remember the lunar caves?

Nothing mind-blowing but I had a good time.
The MSQ was fine, and the Alliance Raid was spectacular as always.

Este es mas interesante su maz, trial y la duty molan mas que los otros

Pretty good patch overall. I really like Zero as a character and I enjoy watching her come into her own, the archfiends plan of using our goals against us was really well done imo. The dungeon and trial were both really fun, and the alliance raid was great also. Not to much to complain about other than the story didn't move as well as I feel like it should have but heh, still a pretty good time.


A high-quality update featuring a dazzling new 24-man raid and intriguing story content, accompanied by adjustments and enhancements to several existing activities. Patch 6.3 of FFXIV clearly demonstrates the development team’s expertise in delivering activities for all types of players, from the most hardcore to its fairweather casual fans.

Full Review:

Though I am a bit bothered by the fact FFXIV's writers seemingly cannot imagine a story that does not involve saving the universe and everything that exists within, this series of patches is still fairly entertaining. The speed with which Garlemald turned from nazi empire to "noble and proud people who still have much good in them despite racism" is a bit disconcerting, but I still enjoy learning some bits about them. There is something interesting about the position of a people deprived of magic in a world that is purely, 100% magic.

And we're of course getting a redemption arc for Golbez and the archfiends, who I'm sure will turn out to be nice, noble people willing to commit genocide.

Pretty good story DLC! Cagnazzo and Rubicante were both pretty fun boss battles!