Reviews from

in the past

¡Voy a jugar Gurumin, que lo recuerdo de mi infancia cuando aún no sabía leer inglés y era muy divertido!

Entonces Nyavko fue expuesta a mil y un puñeteros chistes pedófilos.


Controls can be frustrating at times, but it is a very cute game and fairly short. As someone with less time as an adult, I prefer playing shorter games.

fucking adore this thing so much! Such a cute and fun game :)

A friend recommended Gurumin to me. What a lovely game. I had a wonderful time with it.

As usual another banger Falcom game. This hella feels like a precursor to Zwei 2 gameplay wise, but either way shit was fun and only like 10 hours which is nice. Music was also really good but it's Falcom I was sorta expecting that lol

Very charmful but gameplay is somewhat half-baked. Platforming and challenges are more frustating than anything

Really cute but annoying and almost no fun gameplay. Hilarious tho

Falcom will never have this amount of soul again

this has no reason being this fun for a kids game from 2004

não sei se gostei do gameplay loop, acho que se estende dms, é muito simples MAS PQP AS MUSICAS PQP

ent n sei se vou completar n

A simple game that is boosted heavily by how dang charming it is. The marshy combat is about as deep as a kiddie pool but it’s hard to deny that it’s pretty satisfying, and exploring the levels is where the real meat is for me. The semi low poly environments look utterly gorgeous on psp, and even though there’s a bit of chuggy slowdown at times when too much is on screen, the game runs well for the most part.

The writing is really nothing special. The jokes are corny and the characters are pretty flat, but this thing rides high on vibes and presentation. The simple yet effective cinematography of the cutscenes adds a layer of gravitas to the whole affair, and it’s very endearing to watch the monster village rebuild to its former glory as you help them out and strengthen your bonds with the villagers. It’s adorable! I love all the little touches and aesthetic flourishes, they really go a long way in enhancing the experience. If I played this when I was a little kid it probably would’ve become a major core memory game for me.

I’m an outsider to Nihon Falcom (this is the first I’ve played from them), though I know this game is a bit of an outlier in their repertoire, so I’m definitely interested to see how I’ll feel when I get to their other more remembered games than this one.

Wonderfully weird with a badge of cuteness is the best way I'd describe this game to people. Gurumin prides itself in being a simple story with a charming cast of characters you'll follow around and spend time with. Visually it has aged gracefully with its sharp low-poly aesthetic with alot of visual splendor in its areas you explore.

Gameplay is alot more fluid than I thought it would be, Parin is fun to control with her drill in tow, you definitely get alot of use out of it for sure. But I do feel like the upgrades do clutter things a little bit. The game also has a bit of archaic design where you have to open up a menu to swap between parts for your drill, change accessories, etc. It's not a massive deal breaker though it only takes a few seconds and you hop back into action in no time.

Overall, the game is very cozy, should only take you a weekend to complete it. Defs recommend it as a breather you can play with while you're chipping away at longer games, or if you just want something easy and fun to pick up and chill with. The game always goes on sale for dirt cheap so you cannot go wrong with scooping it up!

A really adorable and cozy game with great characters and frankly really entertaining writing. Feels mostly good to play with some hiccups. Started to feel a bit repetitive towards the end, but it doesn't last too long, so luckily there wasn't too much more to get through. I haven't gotten the true ending yet, not sure if/when I will.

But really what it comes down to is how damn charming this game is. I was amazed by how much I loved all the characters and interactions. You can feel all the love put into it. A great little time

gurumin is cute and i like platformers so is fun

at the end of the day it really was a monstrous adventure

awesome ost, super comfy vibes, fun game

Like most Falcom games, it has a lot of heart, but the mechanics here aren't quite as sound or satisfying as their other action-oriented titles. Its origins as a 3D title made within the constraints of the PSP are readily apparent in most aspects of the game, from the single-axis camera rotation and claustrophobically zoomed-in nature of the game window, to the big, low-poly models and flat or low-resolution textures. Still, it is charming, cute, and an interesting footnote in Falcom's output.

Gurumin has Fun to search for secrets. fun levels with rankings that can go as high as S+++ . good voice acted cutscenes with fun characters. Gurumin is nice and short probably less than 10 hours to beat. took me 17 hours to get all gold and platinum medals on normal difficulty. hard difficulty unlocks after beating the game on normal

finishing dmc 3 made me want to come back and finish Gurumin after I started it more than a year ago one of my all time favorite games now.

ok first- the combat is tight, feels good to play on psp/vita. can't say much on the visuals, but i did like the monster designs. the story is kinda tedious to go through. it reminds me of Klonoa, but the bad parts.

A very cute game with a lot of charm. Sadly it doesn't really change from start to finish. Very basic gameplay.

The art style looks really nice. A very colorful game. Very cute. Story is cute but basic.

The controls are fine mostly. A little jank but fine. The jank rarely becomes a problem. Platforming can be a little hard at times since it's hard to judge distance.

Combat is very basic. It barely changes all game. The bosses can be difficult as they have Invincibility Frames. But mostly, if you die once, you will crush it the next time. The final boss however is a bit long and infuriating. You can't skip cutscenes and it's a bit jank.

After beating the game, it wants you to go through every area but backwards in order to get the true ending. I just could not. It already wore out its welcome and I wasn't going to play the entire game again.

I lasts too long. But I also know it was meant to be played 1 level at a time and put down. Like most handheld games. It's not a bad game. I love the characters. The voice acting is cute. Not great but not bad either. The largest issue the game has is that it just very basic and never really changes throught the game. Has some really good music though.

A super cute and fun little game, with a lovely story. However, I can't remember if I completed it or not.. I have uninstalled it which makes me think I did complete it...

Cylinder is the worst NPC Falcom has ever created

Cute little action rpg that combines its fun gameplay, visuals, and genuinely witty writing to make quite a charming if a bit janky experience.

Garota vai visitar o vô, encontra pozinho mágico dele e aparece num mundo paralelo pra lá das ideias, veja imagens.
Lindo jogo low poly de uma garota usando uma furadeira contra fantasmas para salvar o mundo paralelo dos monstros. Cenários são bem variados e sempre bate curiosidade pra ver como é a fase seguinte quando elas abrem. Mais pra frente a entrada delas é bloqueada por enigmas e vez em quando precisa ver um FAQ pra seguir em frente, mas não é nada de mais, continua sendo um ótimo jogo

SUUUUCH a cute game. low poly critters mwua chefs kiss.