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in the past

This game just feels good to play. The level design is very tight, collecting stickers is fun, smashing everything in the Robobot armor is fun. The music is soooooooo good and the visuals are really nice. I can't really think of anything to say other than just "it's good." It has one of my favorite final bosses in any game. I had never played Super Star prior to my first time playing this, so I didn't recognize Nova, but I still thought it was all so hype. The fact the final boss is a completely different genre of game from the rest of the game is awesome.
I love how this game like, takes itself seriously. Like they treat the Robobot armor like it's actually badass.
It has the Meta Knightmare mode and Meta Knight is my favorite character in anything. Everything about this game is just cool. I feel like a loser, calling everything "cool" and "awesome" and "hype" and stuff. Idk

My favorite abilities are poison, doctor, and jet

Kirby planet robobot is often considered the best kirby game. I agree
The thing is, there's not a major difference between it and other "modern" kirby games, but what makes it genuely good is the polish. I couldn't find a major flaw that made my experience worse. And the esthetic and the robot while not upping the score, make the title way more unique and different does making it stand out above the rest. Excellent experience, it reminded me of why I like kirby.

Absolutely incredible game. It's weird going back to a 2D Kirby game after the incredible Forgotten Land, but it definitely wasn't unwanted. The array of powers, all of the odes to Crystal Shards (I popped when I heard the remix of Factory Investigation), and some really cool worlds and fun levels make for an incredible game.

What's more than that, is the Robobot doesn't feel like a gimmick. They did an excellent job integrating the Robobot suit to be a full part of the game, and I was impressed that they did a lot to give each power a cool moveset for the bots.

The story was also pretty great, covering the colonial, capitalist Susie and Haltmann trying to take over the planet by mechanizing everything in the name of literal, actual, colonialism. It is not at all subtle about it's anti-capitalist, pro-environmental slant, and while the characters don't turn to the camera and say "This is bad" or "What I'm doing is capitalism and it's dangerous and deadly to all it touches" it is still very clear that capitalism and big business is the bad guys.

I will say that while conceptually the final boss of Robobot is cooler than the final sequence of Forgotten Land, Forgotten Land executes stuff so much better compared to the final boss, which is really the only complaint I have-- despite being cool as hell, it isn't exactly the most exciting and it feels a little too long in the tooth.

Meta Knightmare Returns was a lot of fun, and I'm still struggling through True Arena, but I really do love this game, and I'm glad I finally had a chance to play it when I had to pass it up initially because of a lack of money.

Prolly the most interest thing kirby has served since superstar, though still nothing super crazy. not a huge fan of the robot mechanic but its very cool that they gave the robot itself unique equivalents to each of kirby's copy abilities that make it way more interesting than most other super-modes in videogames

This game is so cute and charming, it really puts such an emphasis on the "robobot" aspect of the game. It has a good variety of abilities that are amplified in the sense that all of Kirby's past abilities are now applicable to the mechs who use said abilities in different ways, such as the rock ability being a punching add on. It is cute, stylish, unique in its worlds near the end, and sticks the landing with a great final boss that is super grandiose in classic Kirby fashion. Great entry in the title, and a good Kirby game that took advantage of the 3ds hardware.

First and so far only kirby game I have finished. Made me consider playing more.

How on earth did they make a game this good when it's sandwiched by two aggressively mid games on either side by release order.

NINTENDO REMAKE THIS GAME. The only factor limiting Robobot from being on everyone's top must-play titles list is the fact it was made and released for the 3DS. This game cannot be forgotten about and is way too impressive to be viewed and experienced on a 90mm screen. This is HAL at some of their finest moments, from design, atmosphere, music, overall playability, all immaculate.

Yeah, the fanservice here went kinda crazy but in regards to how creative, and frankly random, Kirby can get sometimes, its just as easy to call these moments inspiration and callbacks. After playing every other mainline Kirby in sequence up to this point, I'm in the specific position to be able to pick out many moments that have been referenced and wow, what an incredible experience, especially when you get so much new content mixed in as well.

Unbelievable it's been 8 years since the release of this game. It's NECESSARY for Robobot to be playable on the Switch's successor come 2025, at almost 10 years since release, it's a crime that younger audiences aren't able to experience this master craft in a post-3DS era.

this has been on my 3ds "to play" list for the longest time. it's regarded as the best of the 2.5D kirby games, it's one of the best platformers around, it's foundational to siIvagunner lore, i liked triple deluxe, and so on. and yeah, it's great.

now to see what the other modes (minigames and post-game unlocks) are like.

It was a fun game but months later it's not entirely memorable either. The water levels were fantastic in spite of that. In ways it is a step up from Triple Deluxe but still similar, and that sucks because I can't stop comparing these later entries to Kirby Wii. It's short but I didn't feel anything strongly about the gameplay it offered.

the 2nd best kirby game with easily the best finale and true arena in the franchise. does so much right that i can't really think of much wrong with it. not only a great game, but a great sequel as well.

GOD como casi todos los Kirby. No es de los mas faciles entonces se siente a ratos dificultad y es muy disfrutable. Lastima que no recuerdo el boss final. Algo que recuerdo bastante es los niveles en que controlabas un cosito a control remoto mientras tu te movias por otro lado, era como una especie de puzzle pero platofrmas doble al tiempo, era divertido.

Kirby in a mech suit. This game rules.

Easily the best 2D Kirby game. Although, Triple Deluxe in the same system I have yet to play, so I was unsure if the moveset was also included, but there are soo many moves Kirby can do for each power up (Sleep still sucks). The Mechs you control also can inherit the power ups. I recommend collecting all the Code Cubes for the secret ending as well. Lastly, there are tons of Kirby 64 callbacks, which never really got much love since it's first release.

Don't remember much aside from it being pretty fun.

Despite being a huge mecha and Kirby fan, I just did not vibe with this one much. Still a fun game, tho.

It only took me until the end of the first world for me to deem this one of the very best Kirby games I’ve ever played.

Right off the bat, the game’s visuals are outstanding. All of the game’s environments and enemies have mechanical tweaks to their designs. NPCs drive cars, enemies have metallic armor and weapons, and technology is embedded in every facet of the world. It’s a visual identity unique to the series and is a huge step up from the previous entries—Return to Dreamland and Triple Deluxe—which, while good games, featured fairly standard Kirby aesthetics. In addition, the best elements of the 3D effect from Triple Deluxe are improved upon with new visual tricks and dynamic camera angles. Planet Robobot takes a series with already good visual design and amplifies it even more, all with a unique twist to boot. The music is also great.

Most modern Kirby games have some sort of “gimmick” to spice up the regular gameplay of action-platforming. Return to Dreamland has the Super Copy Abilities, Triple Deluxe has the Hypernova Ability, and Star Allies has the Friend Abilities. Planet Robobot’s mech suit gimmick is far and away the best gameplay hook of these games. Like Kirby, the mech suit can copy the abilities of enemies, except now they are enhanced to an extreme degree. Instead of throwing boomerangs, for example, Kirby’s mech suit can shoot ginormous saw blades. All of the copy abilities available for the mech suit are interesting and a ton of fun to use. The best part is that you get to use the mech suit fairly often throughout the game, as opposed to every few levels like with other modern Kirby gimmicks. There’s also a decent amount of variety in the way the robobot suit is used, leading to some insanely cool moments. I swear… It seemed like I was saying “THIS IS SO COOL” every five minutes. I dare not spoil the finale; it’s a treat.

Some other positives are worth mentioning. The game’s narrative is solid. The threat of the villains is established early on, and you feel their corruptive and immense presence throughout the journey. Susie is also a standout character, and her presence introduces some welcome mystery elements into the plot. Upon completion of the main campaign, you can unlock a boss rush mode and an alternate time attack campaign where you play as Meta Knight, both solid rewards. Like Triple Deluxe, you can also unlock extra levels by finding certain collectibles hidden throughout each stage. The more you invest in the game, the more you get out of it. It’s an excellent design decision.

So why did I not give Planet Robobot a score higher than an 8/10? To be honest, I toyed around with giving it a higher score, but a few things prevented me from doing that. I’ll go through them quickly. Like Triple Deluxe, the game allows you to travel between the foreground and background of levels, and the concept isn’t executed as well as it could have been. To be fair, Planet Robobot does much more interesting things with the idea than Triple Deluxe, but there is still some missed potential that isn’t met. Additionally, the mech suit gameplay now makes the general experience even easier than Triple Deluxe. The tradeoff, oddly enough, is that the game is more fun to play (Like I mentioned in a previous review, difficulty is a really hard thing to critique in a game). Still, I do think there could have been more opportunities to challenge more experienced players in the main campaign. The quality of the game’s puzzles is generally better than Triple Deluxe, but closer to the end of the game, you run into a few puzzles that require a death or level reset to complete if you mess up, an unnecessary addition that adds some tedium to an otherwise expertly paced experience. Lastly, the subgames this time around are just okay. They’re not bad, but they’re unimpressive and forgettable. None of these issues are super huge, and if it makes you feel better, you can see my score as an 8.5/10.

Despite some hiccups, though, Planet Robobot is easily one of my all-time favorite 2D Kirby games, right alongside Super Star Ultra, Return to Dream Land, and Kirby 64. Some of the best visual and gameplay elements in the series come together to create a fun and engaging little game that delighted and surprised me. If you happen to still have a 3DS, do not hesitate to play this, preferably with the 3D effect on full blast. Give the pink puffball some love.

i see why ppl call this peak. i dont think it's thaaaat good though. still a really peak game tho

WHY IS KIRBY IN A MECH SO PEAK?! WHO LET NINTENDO GET AWAY WITH THIS?! This game is so much fun and has some of the most fun levels I've played in a platformer. Return to dreamland, triple deluxe and star allies all felt pretty generic theme wise but this game has an aesthetic and it absolutely runs with it. Collectibles do feel like they take less effort to obtain in this game compared to previous games but that doesn't exactly bother me.

First Kirby game and showed me life has meaning.

Another fantastic Kirby game. It’s a shame it came out so late in the 3DS cycle.

Game for people who tweet “Animation isn’t just for kids” with images of the four most recent children’s movies attached

Planet Robobot is easily the best entry in the series so far. A lot of the other games have gimmicks that can be a little iffy at times or a need for collectibles to progress or unlock somethings, but luckily the gimmick of the game is perfect and the amount of collectibles you need is minimal and they're easy to find. The Robobot is a lot of fun to use and the Copy Abilities are fun to use with it. The new abilities are really fun, especially ESP which is one of my personal favourites. The level design is also the best here, with really great gimmicks, scenery, and the auto-scrollers are actually not bad (if you didn't know, I hate auto-scroller levels). I guess really the only thing I could think of for a complaint is the long final bosses, but I actually loved those because I really like boss fights in video games and these were pretty well made, so not a real issue for me just something others may not like. Overall, Planet Robobot is an excellent Kirby game in terms of level design and gimmicks and is easily my favourite at the moment.