Reviews from

in the past

not a very good game at all. very tedious, and not a particularly interesting or high-quality rendering of the source material. That being said i did play it for 42 hours and beat it (after modding out those darn birds)

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3 stars if you are a fan of the series, jesus the guilty I felt after beating deep in abyss on 100% was the may drive point to play dark souls 3, what a waste of opportunity(come in made in abyss was conceptualized as a game, and tsukushi worked on Konami in the PS2 era, they should listen more to his advices(for context he supervised the game and made request like attack and behavior ideas for Ozen and Bondrewd (the only two good bosses of the game) and other stuff but after realizing how it was pushing the devs to their limits he stopped)
Pure modern rpg shovelware

MiA world is oppressive and extremely dangerous even for experienced people, the game being extremely clunky and not very intuitive somehow manages to portray that really well.
I'm also very nostalgic over licensed games that adapt a bit of the original story of an anime and add original stuff to make it longer.

such a disappointing experience. slogged through the hand holding tutorial hoping they would then let us actually play the game and explore the world but nope... thrown back into another mission based game.

Meh game, manga is peak though, Tsukushi Ahihito the goat fr fr.

this game really surprised me. i went into it with low expectations thinking it would be a janky mess but it ended up being my favourite game of the year.
you quickly get sucked into it. planning a dive is one of the most addicting factors, figuring out what to bring, what to drop when you're at weight limit and if it'll impact your ability to make it back to the top fills each dive with tension. every dive was a challenge, and even if it would take hours at a time time, i immediately wanted to go back down the abyss after it was done. the feeling of a successful dive is unparalleled.
the music really stands out and is extremely immersive. the compendium is great as well. i think my only gripe with the game is the side missions which can be a bit tedious if you choose to do some of the latter ones, but if you're already at that point you know how to make your way around the abyss and can pretty easily finish them off with some time and dedication.

Realmente quise que este juego me gustara, porque soy una fanática de Made in Abyss y especialmente del mundo del manga. El juego empieza con un horrible tutorial de unas cuantas horas que te obliga más o menos a jugar la mitad de la primera temporada del anime, y después de eso te deja jugar la campaña original, que es básicamente el auténtico contenido del juego. La idea es tremenda porque tanto el mundo de Made in Abyss como el gremio de exploradores son ideas geniales para un RPG, y además se nota que cierta parte del equipo le ha puesto muchas ganas al desarrollo del juego. El abismo es precioso, los sistemas de mejoras e inventario funcionan bien, si investigas a los animales con el catalejo los añades a un bestiario genial, los personajes originales no son molestos y el juego tiene el mismo tono oscuro del manga cuando hace falta. Pero aquí acaba todo lo bueno; en pos de la fidelidad al manga se añade la maldición del abismo, pero es increíblemente abusiva, hay veces que tardas horas en regresar a Orth porque tienes que ir a paso de tortuga, hay zonas donde puedes obtener la maldición por saltar o por caminar por una zona con ligeros baches. Además el sistema de hambre es exagerado, te obliga a llevar 99 de sal todo el rato porque se utiliza para todas las comidas y te obliga también a enfrentarte a enemigos con un respawn infinito para que quizá te den comida. Las armas se rompen una barbaridad, y hay zonas en las que sencillamente no puedes encontrar los materiales para hacerte más armas, o quizá no encuentras Rhombus para hacer cuerdas, o quizá tienes que dejar tesoros para llevar cosas en la mochila que se llena con literalmente nada. El juego está diseñado como el culo, da lugar a softlocks a patadas, se progresa lentísimo e incluso siendo tan previsora de llevar 10 putos machetes encima me he visto obligada a perder horas de progreso porque te obligan a bajar a cierto sitio y luego a subir, completamente escasa de materiales. No sé hasta dónde llega este juego, yo llegué a ver a Ozen y ya estoy hasta la polla. Necesita ser rehecho a un nivel tan fuerte que espero que lo arreglen todo en otro juego.

A somewhat respectable adaptation of the setting, though clearly made on a very tight budget. Simple but well thought in some aspects, not so much in others. I don't see anyone not already a fan of the manga/anime enjoying this, but if you want to play around the setting by yourself and know that you are getting a game with pretty low production values that is often frustrating by design, you can get a decent amount of fun out of this.

Took me 65 hours to beat.

I think it was overall really cool to get to explore and move around the Abyss and interact with the characters. The atmosphere in the areas is very nice accompanied with a great soundtrack that truly captures the feel of the abyss.

Gameplay-wise few of the areas are quite tedious and are extremely difficult to get through. Not to mention that you have to go through them multiple times.

The spawn rates of the enemies won't help this either. Whenever you try to climb a wall, a bunch of butterflies start spawning. Taking out those critters really wears down your weapons and stamina.

The weapons in this game have durability which means that if you are in a fight and you are out of weapons, you have no choice but to give up.

Also if you run out of hunger and don't have any food left, it means you cannot climb walls and you are pretty much screwed. If that's the case you can either load a save file or give up cave raiding with the risk of losing all your equipment.

You have to plan each delving carefully.

You will die a lot in this game. Some of the enemies will absolutely destroy you and some can push you to your death. Few of the enemies will kill you instantly making you pull your hair out.

They really tried to capture the lethal nature of the Abyss and succeeded in doing so.

The graphics aren't really anything to write home about. They get the job done, and they work.

This game is a little bit buggy. Once I was forced to wait for an enemy's body to despawn because I was stuck in a T pose inside the body after defeating it. Another time I was killed and fell on top of a mineable object and didn't die, so I was forced to load my save.

There's a short story mode with the main characters of the original story which I wished would have been longer. Then there's the "Deen in Abyss" mode where you get to customize your own character and will be able to delve to the bottom of the 5th layer of the Abyss and obtain a white whistle.

I think it was an absolute blast to be able to interact with the familiar characters and see the Abyss with my own eyes, which is the selling point of this game to be honest.

There are few post-game quests and a boss.

I think you should play this game if you're a fan of the Made In Abyss manga and/or anime.

This game's enjoyment for me ramped up as I got better equipment, so the slow and monotonous beginning was infuriating, constantly having to complete quests and grinding exp. But as soon as I made it through Blighttown, I mean the third layer, I found myself understanding and enjoying the game more. Its story is whatever, cool that it was overseen by the manga's author but the original story is leagues better by every merit.

Even though many of the design decisions left me scratching my head, ultimately my takeaway is that Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling Into Darkness is a satisfying experience for fans of survival style video games.

idc about no game i want to look like ozen

As is it's probably a 2.5/5 kind of game but with mods to make it better it's more like a 3.5/5. Good ideas but terribly executed.