Reviews from

in the past

At first i didn't like this metal gear then after playing the others then playing this one i absolutely loved it to start to finish but the sad fact that the real ending its was not finished and we will never get it (even tho there is a youtube video about it) but i suggest to play it!

I actually like it so far

first 50 hours of the game are some of the best gameplay the video game world can offer, everything after that is incredibly banal and rehashed to oblivion. somehow still a masterpiece, though

שיחקתי כמה משימות כיף מאוד עד עכשיו

the perfect stealth experience

i like collecting music tapes and kissing men

Joguei bastante mas não terminei o game, quem sabe eu jogue no ps4 e termine

This review contains spoilers

i’m not kidding when i say it’s taken me 2 fucking years to beat this game, i bought it back in 2022 for 3 quid, and proceeded to play about 45 hours, i then promptly forgot about it and didn’t pick it up until about 2ish months ago, i played from the start of the first vocal chord parasite outbreak to the man who sold the world and i enjoyed every single minute

Even with its flaws, this game kicks some serious ass. It's story is one of the best of the decade, and has some of the best gameplay in the Metal Gear series. The biggest flaws are of course at the start of chapter 2. Re-used missions with either a higher difficulty or some modifiers, although has one of the best ending cutscenes in gaming history. The soundtrack accompanying it makes it even better.

Hikayesi ve yarım kalması pek sikimde değil. Oynadığım en iyi stealth oyunu. Bunu oynayınca diğerlerine yazık oluyor

From the man who sold the world

This fucking game man. Its such a hodgepodge of so many great things and so many bad things. The gameplay is fantastic and honestly some of the most fun I've had in an open world game I have no gripes against that. Yet the story is such a mess, some of it hidden in cassette tapes and the whole story just gets super unstructured after the 2nd chapter. But I still really like the story and the characters (for the most part). The Man Who Sold The World was such a perfect song choice for this game. I love how that ending just ties together the whole series like a nice bow.

Skipping two games and try to piece up the story maybe wasn't the brightest idea

Hideo Kojima and Fuck konami

gameplay : 10/10
story: ?/10
snake: 100000000/10

Best controls in the Metal Gear Solid series.

This review includes GZ with TPP

Easily one of my favorite games ever now. The gameplay was addicting and I surprisingly seldom found myself bored. Easily has the best gameplay in the mgs series. I also liked the base management aspect, and it was really fun to build up Diamond Dogs. My only main issues are that I felt the story was too short but even so there were so many great moments. And the ending was probably the 2nd/best ending in the 4 mg games I’ve played. Really want to play peace walker now but it’s not really available.


We passed upon the stair
We spoke of was and when
Although I wasn't there
He said I was his friend
Which came as some surprise
I spoke into his eyes
I thought you died alone
A long long time ago

Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years I roamed
I gazed a gazely stare
At all the millions here
We must have died alone
A long long time ago

Who knows? Not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world
Oh no, not me
We never lost control
You're face to face
With the man who sold the world

"Hurrrm, Colonel....

'I'm fulton extracting this soldier with a C4 strapped to his back, then waiting until he's high up in the air, then detonating the C4. That'll show these commie bastards not to mess with the Diamond Dogs!"

"What the fuck snake"

Directed by Hideo Kojima

Unfortunately for a series like Metal Gear Solid which has incredibly interesting and well thought-out stories that have left me something to think about by the time it's finished, the story for MGSV is incredibly lackluster and most of the time feels completely disconnected from what I'm doing in missions and I believe this stems from the open-world design, as you'll so easily go between Mother Base or Afghanistan/Africa it feels like there's no pressure to get my job done, sure this Skull Face guy is making a Metal Gear with no known motivation, but I'd rather go mine collecting with D-Dog.

I find this game is just missing a lot of the usual narrative flare, since there's no big revelation or master plan that changes how you saw your actions throughout the game, and whilst I do think The Man Who Sold The World is a good twist and it did feel like a good pay-off for playing through the whole game for 50+ hours, it doesn't really change my perspective on how I experienced the game, and feels like a weaker version of MGS2's twists. When you get to the end of chapter 1 you think "is that it?" as by that time Skull Face has done nothing except talk to himself in the back of a car for 10 minutes and then lose control of everything, which is a shame because Ground Zeroes makes him seem incredibly menacing, but in reality has no presence and is nowhere near the level of Liquid, Solidus or Volgin. Chapter 2 is where I could physically feel the game run out of steam, as you've already completed your main objective, and all you get is repeated content which is made harder, or story content and resolutions which you have to grind towards, which isn't right as you shouldn't have to grind a game like MGS just to see how it truly ends, and was also a problem I had with Peace Walker and made me stop playing.

However, on the other end of the spectrum, the gameplay in MGSV is without a doubt the best in the series and saved the whole game for me. When you look at MGS2 on the PS2 and see how much interactivity and small features that game had, it's really no surprise that this game was able to do what the PS2 was capable of tenfold, as not only is the core gameplay flawless, but due to the amount of weapons, items and buddies at your disposal it adds so many possibilities for creatively making your way through a mission, and can appeal to a variety of gameplay types. I found the Mother Base management really fun this time compared to how lame it felt in PW, as fultoning enemies and watching my base grow felt so satisfying to see my progress grow and earn better rewards, and being able to actually visit Mother Base instead of just look at it through a menu, it all just felt a lot more streamlined and less of a chore to do.

Overall, whilst I think the story quality is far from what I'd expected from a game in this series and is pretty pointless (especially how it feels like a way to explain away a 'plothole' in Metal Gear 1) I find it hard to have any negative feelings toward this game as the gameplay is so much fun that it made me put more time into MGSV than the first 3 MGS games combined, and not once was I bored whilst playing. This game is definitely worth playing if you're a fan of the other games, at least just to see how the gameplay is like on a modern console because even 10 years later it's still fantastic and rivals most modern titles.

Probably the best stealth gameplay of all time, it's perfect and gives the player so many options in how to tackle every mission and outpost. Generally, the story isn't nearly as good as the games before it, but there are still some absolutely heart-wrenching moments.

Great Stealth game. Disappointing half-baked story.

Öncelikle şunu söyleyim ben bu oyun serisini emülatörle neredeyse hiç bir bilgim olmadan başladım. İyikide oynamışım. İlk oyunları anlaması her açıdan biraz zor. Hiç uğraşmayıp youtubeden izlemenizi tavsiye ederim. Onun dışında oynanış arayanlar metal gear 5 ve metal gear Revengeance dışı pek istediklerini bulamayacaklardır. Oyun değil film oynar gibisiniz sanki. Ama her şeyi bir kenara atarsak oyunun senaryosu kesinlikle tek başına bu seriye bir şans vermeye yetecektir.