Reviews from

in the past

Cannot wait to play this game and just put in R.E.M., Led Zeppelin, Outkast, Men At Work, etc. songs into that cassette thing

Es ist wirklich ein sehr seeehr tolles Spiel mit unfassbar coolen cinematischen Cutscenes nur leider ist es super unbefriedigend das dieses Spiel kein vernünftiges Ende hat und einfach im Nichts endet. Die letzte Mission ist war ganz cool und so aber auch nicht so das "wahre" (pun intended)

Trotzdem super Spiel. Das gamplay ist mega unterhaltsam, es hat viele tolle Storyelemente und Charakteremomente und der Soundtrack ist so fucking gut. Ein Spiel das mit einem David Bowie Song startet kann doch nur gut sein oder nicht?

A game where you wonder why we're still here

one of the few games ever released that have a perfect gameplay (the story tho...)

10/10 gameplay, extremely awkward story, take my advice and play completely offline

MGS V is one of the most bizarre things I have ever experienced in anything. Almost a masterpiece, so much about it works, it's addicting as shit, but then when it crumbles it takes the whole building down with it

First off, the open world aspect of this game is actually fantastic. Going into the wild doing side ops and fucking shit up is the most fun you'll have with this game. The game has a strong emphasis on player freedom, as any open world game should have, and it's awesome. Wanna go in stealthy, no problem. How about guns blazing? You can do that. And you can do it in so many creative ways. Fulton dropping shit onto people, decoys, you name it. Not only that, but the gameplay is almost flawless. Stealth is perfect and how you control and do shit feels so incredibly nice. Chapter 1 highlights all the fun you can have with this game, it's genuinely fantastic

Then chapter 2 comes in, and the magic begins to run out. The main missions of MGS V, like Peace Walker, are episodic. You have certain objectives to complete, but they still emphasize freedom of gameplay perfectly. But then, once you fight Sahelanthropus, the game gives in. Missions become tedious variations of missions you already completed. It's even worse because they have requirements to beat them a lot of the time too, and in a game that emphasizes freedom of gameplay, it felt so counterintuitive. Chapter 2 really has one mission that's worthwhile, and that's it. Open world side-ops shit is still fun, but damn, it's rough.

The story is not the best believe it or not, but I'm not gonna deny the fact that I was entertained. Skull-face is such a funny MGS villain, his motivation and aspirations are so bizarre, and then he'll give you a monologue or two then walk away and basically let you go, it's all hilarious to me. Lets not forget the fucking jeep ride. Woah ho. A lot of story aspects feel half baked, and in Chapter 2, are told so sporadically, that the pacing just completely falls apart.

There are good things about the story I like, mainly Venom. He's a good protagonist. Yeah, he doesn't speak a lot, but Venom kind of serves as a player vessel in a way, and there's still a lot of character growth with him visually, not just in the script. For example, in one of the best missions in the game, he does an act that almost breaks him down, and in the cutscene, he sees himself as an actual devil, and the horn grows to look like a demon horn. You can say it's corny but I fucking adore it. Won't go too deep into it because some things don't need to get spoiled, but there's one spoiler I wanna talk about, and it's one you more than likely know about already

The twist ending.

It's not the twist that irks me, it's how it's presented. The message from The Man who Sold the World is just ham-fisted in at the end, and feels like an unearned rug pull rather than a well presented twist, it's almost like Rian Johnson wrote it (follow my letterboxd). You play like 50 hours and then boom, right at the end "oh surprise you're medium sized boss rather than the big one!". It makes this game even funnier because it literally just exists to fill in a plot hole that didn't even need to be explained.

In short, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is the funniest game of all time.

This game is insanely good. The only reason I am giving it a 4.5 stars instead of a 5 is because the end of the game does feel rushed and unfinished. The gameplay is next level, the amount of freedom you have to approach situations in the open world is impressive.

despite its undeniably incomplete status, its gameplay is unparalleled and some of the most fun ive ever had with a game

This game to me is honestly a perfect game everything about I just loved completely until the end. I know to many the game is unfinished and I would have loved to see the game have its cut content restored but what we got in this game is absolutely amazing and one of the best gaming experiences I have had to date. The only thing I wish that was different for my playthrough at the least is I wish I could have gone into this game completely blind and remained that way until the end because even if I didn't know a lot of the plot details I knew what the MAJOR spoiler of act 2 was. Even with that spoiled I still loved absolutely everything especially the end Quiet mission That had me in tears and I cannot express enough how much I loved this game and everything it had.

Story is fuking ass, but gameplay is amazing

i give my lifeeeee not for honoooor but for youuuuuu

The best disappointing game ever made.

"Quiet's design is sexist!" No, the desert is just really hot. (Only for women.)

great gameplay
questionable story
was super hyped for this one on release could not play it because I had to go with my dad and his at the time preggers gf on vacation even though I had it pre-ordered
when I came back the people at the store could not figure out what the pre-order discount was so they just ended up taking my word for it because the dude from the video game section was like yah i think that's correct

Game has everything I love, made me question myself as to why we are still here.

After replaying with the context of the entire series, I found The Phantom Pain roughly as great and flawed as I remembered.

The story is oozing with thematically rich nuances, exploring the loss of identity in the face of war in that unique Kojima style of storytelling, but it's at the cost of presenting an unfinished narrative that detracts from its purpuse and message.

Gameplay is just a blast. Unlimited possibilities to complete missions of ample enough variety to keep things fresh, with satisfying gunplay, simple but effective area design, and very competent enemy AI. This really feels like the culmination of the team's years of experience with the series, and it really pays off. Although the game does looses its shine in the second half, where main missions dissapointingly start being reused.

The presentation is top notch, the mastery in both the visual and sound direction give the game a great cinematic feel to it, while still feeling distinct from other AAA games thanks to its creativity.

While I always will wonder what kind of game we could have gotten if Kojima was given the time he needed to finish his vision, what we got is still an engrosing stealth game that offers a unique gameplay experience unlike any other of its kind.

My first ever gear solid game, a great introduction to the series. I remember spending 50 hours on this game over winter break procrastinating writing my research paper for a college level high school class. 4.5 stars because ending was rushed and some content was cut.

Me: Blind in the deepest night
Reaching out, grasping for a fleeting memory
All the thoughts keep piercing this broken mind
I fall, but I’m still standing motionless
Far in the distance
There is light, a light that burns these scars of old
All this pain reminds me of what I am
I’ll live, I’ll become all I need to be
Wo-ho, wo-ho-oh-oh-oh
Wo-ho, wo-ho-oh-oh-oh
Wo-ho, wo-ho
Words that kill
Would you speak them to me?
With your breath so still, it makes me believe
In the father’s sins
Let me suffer now and never die
I’m alive
Pride feeds their blackened hearts
And the thirst must be quenched to fuel hypocrisy
Cleansing flames is the only way to repent
Renounce what made you

Story goes nowhere and is only an excuse to justify one of the best action sandbox games out there.

this game is heavily unfinished and you REALLY feel it in the final acts of the game. If Kojima was able to see his ambitious vision through completely, I believe this would be an all time goat. As of right now however, its alright.

Jogo muito bonito é com belas cutcenes, pena que a gameplay deixa a desejar.

What a game. Weird story but amazing gameplay and a great way to take your first step into the bizarre and exciting world of Metal Gear Solid.

good game if it was finished it would have a better rating