Reviews from

in the past

Une purge.
C’est pas foncièrement moche mais les décors sont tellement monotones qu’on en a vite marre, la maniabilité de la batmobile ou de la batwing est horrible et imprécise, la difficulté est à crever et le jeu fout très peu de checkpoints donc bonjour la crise de nerfs. La seule motivation à finir le jeu, c’est de voir les bouts de cinématiques entre chaque niveau qui forment un épisode inédit. Un épisode très moyen/nul mais c’est déjà ça de pris.

(Review updated due to Backloggd making a division between the different Batman & Robin games)

Clockwork Tortoise had so much potential as a game company. Comissioning Warner Bros and TMS to animate special cutscenes based on the TV series for a title on a platform few people would have set up for 1996, apart from giving the game art style its own unique look like their Genesis outing (and some cool attention to detail, like the driveway with cars going in the opposite direction in level 2, even if you can never cross to that part of the screen) gives this title a very high quality feel in visuals and sound even if the story is just a basic excuse plot to set up driving stages (disappoiting because Paul Dini, aka the best writer for the show, is the writer behind the cutscenes), which start to feel repetitive even with the low level count and addicting high difficulty.

If this company would have made more games I'm sure they would have polished their productions a bit more but they went bankrupt extremely quickly :(

Happy new year! (I wrote this in January the first 2023 though it's funny I'm reposting this in early january 2024 as well)

Batman OutRun with cartoon interludes heck yeah

Looks pretty cool but damn is it hard and just not fun to play......


Tras un EXCELENTE juego para SNES, un genial juego para Game Boy, y una entretenida versión para Mega Drive, toca el último juego basado en la mítica serie de animación de Batman que salió por esa época, para SEGA CD.

Y solo se queda en grandiosos gráficos y cinemáticas que son como ver un capítulo de la serie, porque simplemente consiste en un Outrun pero con el Batmóvil. Es decir, controlar el Batmóvil para llegar a X lugar antes de que se acabe el tiempo o detener a un villano.

No tiene más.