Reviews from

in the past

The UN has never fully answered for the warcrimes it commits against nations that refuse USA occupation

If the original Umurangi Generation is a subtle, if garbled, hiss against impending climate disaster and the condemnation of disenfranchised youth for their dispair, Macro shouts it in your face and then (literally!) calls you mean names if you still don't get it. In socialist/political art criticism, we call this amplified approach to communicative expression "based".

this dlc is so angry its so angry im filled with so much rage 10/10 we need more angry pieces of art

Macro shows where it all began. It's a prequel from the main game that starts just before the first level and slowly climbs up into what made them take pics in the first place which is something I really love.

this would probably be my favorite game if i wasn't absolutely terrible at finding the bounties and there was a little bit more content. you literally get to go around taking pictures of an eva cage that's so cool.

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They gave the cops a gatdam eva unit!!!