Reviews from

in the past

Pretty torturous. I got one of the bad endings I think, and typically I try to get as many endings as I can (especially with such short games), but I just couldn't with this one. Didn't give a shit about the characters or even knew what was going on at any point, and the reveal happens way too late to be anything other than jarring.

I have no clue how to feel about this. I got two endings: one of which was obviously bad prompting a replay, and the other where I just backtracked to an area and it just cut to credits.

Do I even play anymore? I got away and the character is alive. Of course, I probably missed a few hours of content, but why would I go back to that?

The game has a good art style, I am a sucker for the pixel approach. But as a story? It has a good setup but what's really going on dosent need to be in this setting or style. There feels like clashing tones in narrative and style with this game.

I can't say it was bad but I'm probably never going to play it again.

Uncanny Valley is a side scrolling horror game with nice pixel art. Unfortunately the pixel art is the good thing about this game…

It sets itself up as some super scary in-depth survival horror game where every single action you take can change the story with multiple possible endings to see. But it delivers on none of these things.

You just walk from room to room occasionally picking up an item or talking to someone until a confusing ‘nightmare’ cutscene happens. The story barely exists and what little story you get doesn’t really make sense.

Uncanny Valley demands a lot of work from the player with no satisfying rewards. You’re better off just watching a playthrough…

Игра, которая начинается после половины прохождения. Это 2D-экшен-выживалка с агрессивными роботами, но, прежде чем приступить к этому геймплею, нужно будет полтора часа бродить по одной и той же локации, читать записки, выполнять неочевидные задачи с помощью гайда.

It’s uncanny how unfinished this game is

I feel like I had literally no idea what anything was or what I was doing

Awkward dialogue, two interact keys so I always have to press two different keys to see if I can interact with things. No hook that makes me want to keep playing.

I think I need to try this one again but its just so many branching stories that make no sense and have very poor UI

kept wondering when it gets scary and then it was over