Reviews from

in the past

The comic book inspired graphics, the tense moments of planning a route knowing good and well whats between you and what you need could get you killed, and some pitch black humor to break the bleakness of space: Void Bastards manages to keep a repetitive romp through space entertaining enough to make you want to keep looting ships for hours on end, even if that one extra ship may be your last.

cute little roguelike, great for short sessions where you just wanna melt your brain for a bit

A great aesthetic and idea, let down by rather repetitive gameplay, lackluster feeling combat and a lack of a real feeling of closure or end for me. Would like to see more games done in this style though.

Brother, si no hubiera perdido este juego.

Este juego junta un combate divertido, con supervivencia y recoleccion de recursos, a la vez que un arte estilo comic increible.

Si, si, tambien lo perdi, no me lo recuerden. Lo platenare, si, si.

In theory, this game is doing a lot of really cool stuff. The art direction is phenomenal, I love the atmosphere and the little quirks, but it never takes any of its individual components far enough to really feel good to play. If it had leaned just slightly harder into being a roguelike imsim, if it had made the runs feel even slightly more varied, I think it would've doubled my interest. As it is, it's worth trying for sure, but literally three runs in it starts to feel repetitive as you realize you're just doing the same thing but with new equipment that makes it slightly easier to run through a room opening all the drawers and then running back to your ship.

FANTASTIC roguelike game with a BANGING art style. It's got terrific music and an AMAZING atmosphere that literally cannot be beat. I still haven't made it to the end, but one day I will pick it up and make it to the very end of the galaxy, I KNOW I will. Every time I've played it I've enjoyed my time so much. A true blast of a game. Also, the computer guy is the Stanley Parable narrator's voice actor! Love that guy :)

Kind of a silly comic book roguelike with some interesting loops at play, with a space capitalist dystopian premise that's pretty fun. It does feel a bit uneven at times, but its brutality is softened by some helpful progression mechanics that aren't too unforgiving.

Buen juego y buena idea pero demasiado repetitivo, se hace largo y aburrido

The loop felt a bit repetitive after 10-ish hours, so I felt a bit refrained trying the dlc, but otherwise it was a nice experience.

Lo e estado jugando un buen rato y me parece muy adictivo, es repetitivo pero me gusta mucho el entrar y salir con mucho loot.
Tambien su apartado de comic me parece muy característico.
Una vez ya jugado bastante el juego si decae bastante y los enemigos se vuelven bastante molestos, el perder tantos recursos jode demasiado.

Void Bastards, a game that even transcends Smartypants' trans sonic stabbings to deliver an unparalleled masterpiece. This is not just a game; it's a life-changing experience that deserves nothing less than a perfect 10. The cosmic wasteland becomes a canvas for innovative gameplay, strategic decision-making, and unexpected challenges that keep the thrill alive.

Void Bastards isn't just a game; it's a work of art in the gaming world. Every element, from the captivating artistry to the immersive narrative, contributes to an experience that goes beyond ordinary gaming. This is a testament to the pinnacle of game design and storytelling.

Score: 10/10

A fun first person-shooter roguelike, Void Bastards is a very silly tongue-in-cheek game where you play multiple "Clients" (Prisoners) who are on a ship that can't be moved due to administrative hell. To get the ship moving, you're required to scavenge nearby ships in an FTL-like grid to find items needed to try and rebuild the systems.

The combat is solid, but some later weapons and gadgets aren't nearly as useful as earlier equipment. The game also becomes a bit long in the tooth towards the end of a campaign, as you become familiar with the specific layouts and hazards.

All in all, it's a really fun experience, and the writing is top notch. I'm definitely looking forward to the spiritual successor "Wild Bastards" that's currently in development.

A fun action roguelike, with a smart amount of strategy that involves moving from ship to ship in search of what you need most at the time. All pulled together with a neon-punky British sci-fi aesthetic that wouldn't look out of place on British snacks from the 80s and 90s.

A variety of hazards and character quirks inject some much-needed variety into the stages. A dash through oil spills to make it to a healing machine can be equal parts hilarious and frustrating, and it was fun to dash to the exit with bullets trailing after me.

It's deeply saturated with anti-corporate humour. Anti-climatic conclusions serve as both the punchline but also an unsatisfying ending to many things. Don't expect dramatic boss fights or plot twists.

Wholly recommended to sci-fi fans and those looking for a quirky FPS rogue-like that relies more on motion than stats.

Rad style and fun gameplay, just wished it was longer and had a little bit more content.

just a good time, short, sweet, IMMACULATELY stylish, perfectly suited for my sci-fi heart

Honestly loved everything about this asides from the fact it was a roguelike, that just ended up killing it for me.

Es un juegazo que regalaron en Epic Store hace años, es un juego que se tiene que jugar en dificultades mas altas, ya que realmente lo interesante del juego es la gestión de recursos e intentar sobrevivir.

A bit rigid on how it plays , the comic book art style bring a very unique vibe to this space survival game , the ammount of gear you can develop to create your own strategies is admirable and can lead to some fun gameplan but it doesn't save the game from being a bit repetitive .

Un jeu pas du tout pour moi

Um Roguelike bem legal e com personalidade em seu visual

Imported from my Backloggery:

It's really hard for me to rate this game because I started out enjoying the graphics and presentation, but found the gameplay to just be so-so. I would have seen this game out to completion if it wasn't for the invulnerable enemies that incentivized the entirely unenjoyable stealth. This game also has a really great sense of humor that kept me laughing, but it was ultimately not fun to play, especially as the game got harder.


Desperately needed some more content to keep the experience fresh - the core gameplay is nice, but it gets repetitive quick. It's almost a good game, but frustratingly not quite.

One of the few rogue-likes I truly enjoyed. Excellent systems-driven combat featuring tons of variety, intense exploration, and impactful audio and visual design make this an easy recommendation for Bioshock and System Shock fans.

Full Review:

As sad it as it sounds, the reason I basically adore Void Bastards (besides the killer aesthetic, complex-yet-approachable upgrade system, cutting satire on the prison-industrial complex, etc.) is that it's one of the few Roguelikes with multiple difficulty options. Easy is the perfect option for my backlog-cruising ass; difficult if you slip up (which happened more than once) but doable if you're attentive and well-prepared. Fantastic game.

A pretty fun fps rogue-lite game. Great graphics and fun gameplay. It has an amusing story that's not too terribly long, but the rogue-like elements make everything feel fresh as you go along. Definitely recommend playing, as it is not a long game and very arcade like.

i've had so much fun with this game it's unreal

Love the art style, but it just gets too repetitive rather quickly

Never got too deep into this but what I did play was pretty cool.