Reviews from

in the past

+ The block-breaking (Arkanoid-like) gameplay portion is fun (if you like that type of game)

- Conversely, the RPG elements are pretty lame. Mixing the two genres was a good concept, but it fails in the execution
- The NPCs default to "yes" when they ask if you want to buy something, so you can't skip over their dialogue without unintentionally buying stuff. It's a major annoyance - even worse than that stupid Zelda owl

A solid adventure game that includes a lot of things, but the main thing is just an arkanoid, the genre has been beaten to the maximum, but Wizord says otherwise. Unfortunately, it doesn't live up to the full game.

Добротная приключенческая игра включающая себя много всего, но главное это всего лишь арканойд, жанр избитый до максимума, но Wizord говорит об обратном. К сожалению не сильно дотягивает до полноценной игры.

I have this as an Xbox 360 Indie Game.

While Wizorb is an honest attempt at an update to the age-old formula of breaking down bricks until there are no more bricks to break, the final product is riddled with more than just a few holes.

+ colorful pixel art style that looks good on a big TV
+ magic system is an fresh update to the Breakout formula
+ levels hide shops and bonus stages
+ bosses require specific strategies
+ levels can be replayed and money can be farmed

- difficulty is much too high, mostly because...
- ...lives and magic don't get replenished between levels
- life system feels anachronistic and at odds with the save system
- secondary magic is cumbersome to use
- bought items are expensive and immediately lost upon dying
- levels all feel alike and later ones are mostly luck-based
- town building system has almost no bearing on the gameplay
- the entire thing feels like a lazy mobile game

Playtime: 9 hours with final boss beaten and copius use of save-scamming towards the end, no extra content explored.

Blagic Moment: Dying to a boss, only to having to replay everything leading up to him. Realizing that to this day, there is still no worthwhile update to Breakout

No idea what reviewers were smoking back in the days of the Xbox 360 when this came out originally and received rave reviews, but Wizorb is at best a failed attempt at Breakout with a few good ideas that never really coverge. The high difficulty combined with a terrible life and save system lead to more frustration than anyone should have to suffer through, and there is never a moment where you feel like this couldn't have been produced in the days of the SNES. So why should anyone play this on Switch?

The answer is, they shouldn't, and the wait for a really modern, fun take on breaking blocks with a Pong paddle continues.

Tribute games always makes slick looking really life-like pixel games, but always seem to miss on the execution of the games part

Wizorb is an frustrating, incredibly difficult game. The high difficultly mixed with the lack of progression you make made me turn away from this after an hour

Breakout + rpg

Sounds fun!

It's not. Well, it starts fine but it quickly becomes SUPER tedious to play and every level feels annoying. Play Death's Hangover instead.