"is it not for yourself you do these things? finding answers to fill the parts of you that are empty or shredded with scars?"

incidentally ended up playing two religiously themed rpgmaker horror games in a few months, with the former shining far brighter.

the evocative title and moody sample screenshots really grabbed my attention, and i wanted to like it. it started strong in atmosphere and sound design specifically, and mole's utmost belief in their faith and god was legitimately compelling. unfortunately a poor portrayal of what i think was the developer's perspective on alters, as well as the vocal performances and all but one lyrical song killed the mood in a really huge way; the worst offender being the flat ending sequence segueing into an incredibly tone-deaf credits song which had me awkwardly shifting in my seat, being clipped short mid-sentence to unceremoniously boot me back to the main menu.

i only found out following finishing that the developer had made a handful of games i personally found terribly boring and uninteresting in the past, something i wish i'd double checked in hindsight. there was just a certain consideration missing here, i'd only recommend it for the nice environmental mapping, encounter scripting, lighting, and free price tag alone.

Reviewed on May 18, 2023


1 year ago

yeah there might be a few basement bin full marks here like that from me if you use that as a litnus for whether or not to like a game. i havent played this in forever but yeah the maps were neat and i recall some of the visual work being neat. the characterization was massively underdeveloped for sure. I think i just like stories about paranoia too much to notice. I bet you the person who made this was deeply inspired by Lisa the Joyful because a lot of what you're describing and what I'm remembering remind me of that. i guess the biggest takeaway here to do a prelim research ahead of time to know better what the author has made beforehand :3

1 year ago

*for whether or not to check out a game

1 year ago

@Erato_Heti absolutely ;~; i think i need to be more careful in the future and actually investigate the games i play before jumping in... also completely understand having those narrative themes that you forgive more often!
i never actually got around to finishing the lisa the painful nor the joyful myself and only got around halfway. it's one of those super punishing games i appreciate from afar and enjoy meta analysis for, although i have finished lisa the first a few times :)

1 year ago

FWiW I am also plural so stories with rather questionable forms of plurality like this are a sort of 'guilty pleasure' to me. As far as Lisa goes yeah take your time with that, in fact you almost definitely can softlock a save in that game so I don't blame you on difficulty. I don't really trust my old opinions that deeply but Lisa was very influential to me back around 2018. Maybe I'd feel differently about it now but the music is absolutely rocker no matter what.