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This is a gameplay game foremostly. But the little, and at times intrusive story, works with the thought out sandboxy-gameplay in a way that affirms the identity players genuinely find in this sandbox. Your experience is your brush. In what could be a genre perceived in meaninglessness and escapist art, this is a rejection of that.

And that's why the end is so jarring, we're not settling for some cheap killer's story for our feet to fit into. We could not be boiled down to a soul seller simply for playing as a hired killer, and the one who finds no difference in that cheap story and seeks it is closer to the artist who creates the fuck you at the end of the game.

The real artist's ending is the first. The release in this game is not perfect, maybe this escape does not solve everything. The bitter smoking of a cig at the end of it leaves us with many questions, like: who and why are we? but no less beauty of the fact that we are.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024

1 Comment

3 days ago

Hotline Miami is Fallen Angels for gaming. There, I said it.