1 review liked by 0g4

Gorogoa, which takes its name from the imaginary creature of the game's developer Jason Roberts, is a puzzle game that combines hand-drawn images on a 4-grid area, manipulating and merging them to create new images and solve various puzzles. The game beautifully integrates its mechanics with level design, while the aesthetic choices in the images are designed according to the stages, and the music accompanies them in terms of mentality and tone. Since the game doesn't contain any text, it abstractly conveys the story to the player through the puzzles and the unity of the puzzle pieces that make them up, resembling a Rorschach test in its narrative approach. The story is open to different interpretations, and what attracted me the most was how it combines the underlying story with spiritual, mystical, and occasionally the notion of reality, fused with the game's own dynamics as I mentioned above. As a puzzle game, it is very enjoyable, but also quite short. If you want to have such an experience, Gorogoa is one of the most interesting experiences.