You can tell when playing this game that they spent 90% of the budget on the graphics. It looks incredible, especially if you ignore how cheap the game actually is. Everything on a technical level is fine, but there are so many instances where you can tell the game didn't have the highest budget despite its attempts to appear that way.

The story itself is just mediocre. There's nothing special about it, especially since it's themes and ideas have been tackled much better in the movies that have inspired this game. It's strongest element is that the choices do actually have consequences, but the endings can be abrupt and anticlimactic. I've played through all the endings, and some are definitely better than others.

Overall, it's a below average game that only die hard fans will get something out of.

It's a fine game that's really dated in some ways. The in-game cutscenes are really bad, especially because some of the textures aren't even fully rendered. The story feels like an extended episode of clone wars, but it doesn't even come close to the level of creativity and entertainment that show has. Also despised the voice acting for Obi-Wan. I guess they didn't pick James Arnold Taylor for Obi-Wan yet because the difference between his and this game's Obi-Wan voice is night and day. Some of the worst voice acting in a game if you ask me.

Overall a below average game that I had a decent time with. For the few hours it took me to complete this, I had some fun with the gameplay. I wouldn't really recommend this to anyone unless they're a die hard prequel era fan.

It's a sequel that does things better and worse than the first. It still captures the heart and soul of Spider-Man very well, and hopefully the third installment will be Insomniac's ultimate Spider-Man experience.

The story sucks, but the atmosphere and gameplay were very enjoyable. I'd love to see a remake of this game because there's so much potential for improving the story. Plus that tazor is the ultimate get out of jail free card and shouldn't be as powerful as it is.

Would've been the best way to experience these games if it was actually finished. The newest patch fixed some of the issues, but the online multiplayer is still a mess. It's also stupid that this game doesn't have cross-platform, which is only going to make this game die faster.

Looking back at how soon this was announced before the release date, we should've seen this disaster coming.

The Campaign is horseshit, but everything else is just another call of duty experience, but much more refined. The multiplayer is fun, and the zombies mode is decent overall. Not the best cod, but it's easily better than Vanguard and MW2.

This game is such a disaster. It's unfinished, unpolished, and the worst direction this franchise has taken so far. The story sucks as well, and only serves to make the lore more complicated for no reason. I also just can't stand that they remove save points once you reach 6 a.m. I'm not interested in finishing this game until the end. Fnaf should've ended with ultimate custom night.

I'd say this is the best Mortal Kombat game from this studio. I'm not a diehard fan of this series, but I really enjoy the gameplay and characters. Invasion mode is decent fun, and the fighter roster is solid. I can't wait for Omni-Man, Homelander, and Peacemaker. Megan Fox was also terrible in this game, she really phoned it in.

It's so dumb that this is the first Transformers game console release since Devastation. I'll admit, I kinda enjoy the gameplay, but nothing else about the game impressed me. First of all, it's connected to a show that I don't plan on watching. Second, the story is extremely weak and generic. Third, its way to short for the price its asking. I beat the campaign in 3 hours, which is just absurd. It was probably 3 hours because of how repetitive the gameplay got by the end. I played this on game pass, which the only way anyone should be playing this game. The only people this game will appeal to is fans of the show, but everyone else should avoid this unless you want some easy gamerscore.

The worst online multiplayer shooter I've ever played.

One of the most worthless games of all time unless you want some easy gamerscore like it did.

Well, it's definitely one of the World War Two shooters I've ever played.

It's not the worst game ever made, but 40 dollars is too much for a mobile game.

For a company that claims to care about telling quality stories, this is quite literally the polar opposite.