This game is a creation of the devil. It will lure you in with its beautiful visuals and tight controls, and when you least expect it, will drain your soul.

Do not play this game. If you must, remember, he who seeks evil shall find it. God bless you all.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2024


16 days ago

LMAO, come on Foxy, you can't leave us hanging! Tell why the game is bad, especially when you're normally good at difficult platformers.

15 days ago

@RedBackLoggd i'll just list a few reasons why this game sucks/is so hard.

no playtesting (i'm not kidding, there were no beta-testers working on this)
pixel perfect platforming
trial and error for EVERY FUCKING LEVEL
4 lives and 5 continues (the game is 4 hours long, btw and instant deaths are everywhere)
bullshit bosses that take forever to kill
you have to 100% it to unlock the final world
i would go into more detail but i'm mentally scarred from playing this, and i didn't even finish it

15 days ago

Dang, that sounds like it took the worst aspects of the Super Star Wars & Disney Renaissance games and combined them :O

Really surprising Rayman managed to sprout a decent franchise considering how awful the first one is. Why do you think it managed to succeed?

14 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I'm pretty sure the game did well in sales, and people back then probably thought it was a masterpiece just because of the visuals lol

14 days ago

As good a theory as any.