Hell yeah, I can finally talk about Street Fighter 3!

Now, before I start, I do have to admit that this game isn't as objectively good as i'll give it credit for in this review. It has only 10 (11 if you count Yang) fighters, 7 stages and the fighting can feel a bit jank. Objectivity doesn't exist though, so i'll say whatever I want.

The New Generation fucking rules. I know I said that for my Alpha 1 review, but this one REALLY fucking rules. Fighting is feels great, and the lower speed compared to the Alpha games makes each hit so damn satisfying. Special moves also feel easier to pull off (except for supers.. one day i'll learn how to do them).

One of the most commendable things about the Street Fighter 3 games is the atmosphere. I find it.. hard to describe. It's one of those things you have to feel for yourself.

The pixel art in this game is stunning, maybe even surpassing the Alpha games. Apparently each character has 700-1200 frames of animation, and Jesus does it show.

The characters are also pretty cool! Ryu and Ken are back (it would be a sin not to include them), but there's also Elena, Dudley (who's just a better Balrog, don't @ me), Ibuki, Sean etc. What happened to Chun-Li though?

Overall, a really fun game with a few issues that are ironed out in the next 2 entries.

One last thing, i've heard loads of people struggled on the final boss, so i'd like to share the way I beat him. It makes him a cakewalk.
OK, so as soon as the fight starts, begin to back away. He'll follow you, but continue backing away, even once you hit the invisible wall. Soon, he'll try dashing for you, but he won't hit since your blocking. Now throw him, and back away to the other side, rinse and repeat till he dies or the time runs out.

There are also times when while you're waiting for him to do his dash, you can hit him with a hard kick. It's OK if he blocks it, but make sure you do it at a time where he won't attack back. Good Luck.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2024
