December, 2021


0h 20m

Did like 3 ice levels and a boss ig


Crisis city is a pain in my ass

1h 14m


You know, for a game that had to be done in 6 months, it could've worse. The Time Eater took me like an hour and because of adhd its yet another sonic's boss that got me frustrated, but that's fine. I will reccomend this game to people who think console version is "too easy".

But man, official stomp and slide button would've been cool you know. Maybe I expect too much from Dimps


1h 0m

Silver is easy af lmao


This is a defination of "the game is very okay, but its replayable af and thats what fun about it". Yea its a barebones complication of older levels with some remixes and excuse plot, but idc, its still my favorite and first Sonic game.
