3 reviews liked by 726EvTreasure

The best Friday nights of my childhood were when my grandma was coming over to babysit me and she'd bring me Wendy's and then let me play Spider-Man 2 on Xbox as long as I wanted

Full star off for the final boss though, that's straight-up masochism

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is probably the best 2D Zelda game ever made, even better than remake of Link's Awakening from the Nintendo Switch.

The combat here is near perfect. The boss battles are incredible.

I always felt kind of lost in all 2D Zelda and I didn't know where to go. In A Link Between Worlds, I always knew what to do. That's incredible because you have two worlds to visit and you always have to change from one to other to get to some places.

The story is problably the best of the franchise. You don't give much for it until the last cutscene.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the best Nintendo 3DS game that I ever played. If you have the chance, play it.

Super Mario 3D Land is the best Super Mario game that Nintendo could made for the Nintendo 3DS. The game is perfect in what they wanted to do.

It's a super classic 3D Super Mario game. It's really fun to control Mario on those stages. I also have to say this: SUper Mario 3D Land is even better than the sequel Super Mario 3D World for the Nintendo Wii U.

Super Mario 3D Land also has the best 3D effect of the Nintendo 3DS. It's incredible how they made the game thinking the best way to use it.

If you have good memories with Mario franchise, I can say Super Mario 3D Land is a must have for you. I know it's really hard to find 3DS games because Nintendo shuted down the digital store, but if you have the game you have to play it.