God help me, I did it again.

What am I supposed to tell you? If you're curious about how the game is on the Switch, it's a fine version. It's a quick, cheap remaster, and unless you have a specific interest in playing this game on a Switch, you're no better off than you would be running it on Dolphin. It lacks the Wii version's pointer controls, though, again, there is some crude motion control support. Weirdly, the widescreen presentation is far better than the new version of 2, with all assets displaying correctly. I can respect where their priorities lay.

What was interesting about doing another playthrough so soon after the first was how the game remains interesting for repeat visitors. The developers were aware they were making a short game for a console with a very limited library, and there are rare occurrences that you'll only see under certain conditions. Ignoring a landing site for several days means that grubs will eat your bridges, and predators will return, and some of the weirder enemies are reserved for that. My approach changed, too. At times, I was more ruthlessly committed to acquiring as many ship parts as I could in a day. On other days, there weren't 24 hours worth of parts to chase after, and I could spend my time farming Pikmin and taking on the weird, optional enemies. The experience drew me towards riskier decisions, but I didn't like myself for it. My willingness to see dozens of Pikmin, sacrificed by a High Score hungry commander. This wasn't the canon playthrough. I'd earned this opulence.

Pikmin is a great fit for the Switch. Finding a spare 20 minutes in your day, and coming back from sleep mode to chip away at the campaign, is really appealing. I've been umming and erring about the idea of going back to Wii U Pikmin 3, while I'm still on this Pikmin kick, but I can't pretend it's going to be nearly as casual or convenient to go back to. Along with Super Metroid and Ocarina of Time, Pikmin 1 is one of those monolithic Nintendo titles that I'd suggest any big fan of the company ought to have played, and I'm really glad that from GameCube, to Wii, to Wii U, to Switch, they've ensured that first-time players have always had the chance to play it. If it's still on your list of games you've been meaning to get around to, it's a great opportunity to sort that out.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
