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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 26, 2018

Platforms Played


I really love this game. The cast, the setting, the music... Everything about it has something to love. Even the voice acting in both JP and ENG is enjoyable.

People may rag on the gameplay, and the fact you can't control your teammates actions, but I actually quite enjoy it! The game was built around this, so once you figure out how the AI functions, you can very easily get it to do what you want to without much effort at all. And when they don't do what you want..? Well, it spices things up a little bit, don't you think? haha

The story is amazing and heartwrenching. You play as a boy who lost his parents at a young age, and has seemingly lost the will to live... But through the bonds you form throughout the story, he grows and learns how to love again.

The characters are complex and unique. I adore every one of them, and it feels genuinely rewarding to get to know them. Honestly, my only wish is that like in future installments, you had the option to choose NOT to date the girls... it makes 100%ing the game a liiiitttle bit awkward when you have to cheat on all of them lol

Absolutely a fantastic game otherwise, and one of my all-time favourites.

Aigis best girl

Also to everyone who recommends playing Portable over FES; don't.