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AJRXC2 completed Psychonauts 2
Great game, amazing to see how the creativity and fantastic writing of the original was able to carry into a sequel released 15 years later.

Level concepts and ideas are fantastic, just like the first game. I'd argue there are no highs as high as the first (or lows as low, for that matter) though overall it provides a consistently great experience. The new psychic abilities allow for amazing level design, and are overall just really fun to use.

Story was great, followed the first game by expanding on the few story beats that were still unanswered while also providing it's own mystery that's very fun to follow, with some twists that I genuinely didn't see coming.

Not without it's issues, PS4 version running on a PS5 had DREADFUL loading times. A lot of areas in the game are far bigger than they need to be, somewhat hindering the fun of exploration as I realize I have to re-explore a MASSIVE map for a few hours just because I'm missing a single item, so I gave up on going for 100% fairly quickly (maybe someday when I have the patience). And while control of Raz is overall much more fluid and fun than the first game, psychic abilities are still locked behind damn control mapping instead of being on the fly through a scroll wheel, making certain situations a pain in the ass to deal with when you need to equip and unequip different powers constantly.

Psychonauts 2, much like the first, once again proves how the 3D platforming genre can be pushed to it's limits to provide truly charming and unique experiences. These games gave me such memorable experiences and I can't wait to revisit for a replay or 100% playthrough sometime down the line.

14 days ago

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