Fucking masterclass in level design, theming, writing, and weaving story and gameplay together.

Probably in the running for best writing I've ever seen in a game, at the very least its in the running for the funniest I've ever played.

Every level was ON POINT with unique gimmicks and theming, so much creativity and love clearly on display, makes it a joy to play through and witness what comes next. Well, every level except Meat Circus, the worst fucking sin mankind has ever made.

Ending with sequel bait was also a little disappointing, but many games from the 2000s ended fairly openly so I can't really dock it points for being a product of its time, not to mention they DID make a sequel to it... over 15 years later...

Even all these years later Psychonauts is a shining example in showing what true creativity and talent can provide in this medium.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
