The game that revitalized the Tekken franchise after a decade of mediocre games. It's crazy to think how much this game truly achieved and how long it continued to thrive. Up until Mid-2023 this was still a premiere fighting game over 6 years from launch. It only started to trend downwards once Tekken 8 was on the horizon. This game got me back in love with the Tekken franchise and has led to many great years of gaming.

After 264 hours and getting all the achievements for the game (on Steam), I'm finally hanging this one up. I think I'm like 6 or 7 accession upgrades and 8 achievements off in-game from finishing everything, but I'm at the point where progress is just impossible.

Prior to 5.0, this game was fantastic. Granted Active play was over powered and idle play was non-existent, I found this okay for the most part. If you wanted an upgrade you had to work for it. I get it. However, once 5.0 was released, this was flipped. Active play no longer exists and Idle play is the name of the game. The problem is that progression in the end game is basically non-existent at this point. You currently log-in to do your daily quests, finish some event quests if there is one on-going and that's it. You can't progress any further because all progression is locked behind idle play.

To put it this way, since 5.0 has released and the subsequent updates that followed, I still have no been able to do a single ascension upgrade. Couple that with the drastic balance changes that were made between 5.0.1 and 5.0.9, it's just not worth it anymore. I may change this review if I see that things are balanced more properly because I want to have faith in the Dev, but at this time I can not in good faith recommend this game.

Played this mostly on Kongregate before it was ported over to Steam. Who would of though anyone would have this much fun destroying cubes. I certainly didn't.

Just imagine if you walked into a casino and you could play games like this? I'd become a gambling addict so fast.

Yes, I spent 37 hours playing Sudoku. No, it wasn't a waste of time. Yes, I enjoyed it :)

What a phenomenal Tomb Raider game. God I loved this game and Lara Croft is such a bad ass. This game has really aged well as I still very much love this game to this day over 10 years later. Basically Tomb Raider + Just Cause cause why the f*** not?

The evolution of gaming within a game. Brilliant concept if you ask me.

The greatest game in the entire Kingdom Hearts franchise. This game had it all. Organization XIII was an incredible addition added as a threat to Sora and friends. Adding that in the with heartless and now nobodys... Sheeesh. Seriously though, this is the pinnacle of gaming and has a very high spot on my Hall of Fame.

Probably the best Crash Platformer out of the Trio. This game had the best level designs while also fixing a lot of the issues the first game had.

A turn-based Genshin Impact, but better. Honestly the character designs are superior. It's still Gacha game at it's core, but you can still thrive as a F2P player.

The fifth installment in The Last Stand series and the first since 2012. This game changes the original formula from the old Adobe Flash tower defense and side-scrolling RPG games to a Roguelike. The game actually has a full-fledged story as this game takes place 15 years after the apocalypse and the collapse of society. You find yourself playing as one of the "volunteers" in this game. These "volunteers" are people who are already afflicted with the zombie virus, but have not yet turned. Their goals is to venture out beyond the walls of the "colony" to find supplies and possibly a solution to the zombie outbreak.

The game features a skill tree system with tons of unique and helpful skills to aid you on your journey out beyond the colony. There is also a crafting system where you can craft helpful consumables and piece together weapons to take out the zombies. It took me roughly 58.5 hours to 100% the game with the two most difficult achievements being reach level 100 and complete 5 full runs. If you die in this game, you take over another one of the volunteers, however you keep the skills that you've unlocked.

I really enjoyed the Roguelike elements to this game and it was actually pretty challenging starting out. Even after beating the game the first time you can make the challenge even tougher through the bounty system. Each successful run took about 2-3.5 hours with varying degrees of difficulties due to Loot RNG and if I wanted to play more up close and personal with the zombies. The mutations system was also pretty neat as there were some really cool abilities you could get at the risk of dying easier.

I recommend this game as it's a pretty fun trek through the Zombie apocalypse where any wrong turn could spell disaster.

Way too short and boring. Even though I have almost 90 hours, about 75 of them were just farming for the stupid achievements. I 100% wasted my time.

This game deserves a neutral review rather than positive or negative. On one hand it's ABSOLUTELY amazing with a group of friends. As the name suggests, "Deceit" is the name of the game. I've almost lost friendships over this game due to lying my way to victory. However, playing with randoms is for the most part insufferable. I have a love hate relationship with this game as the base Deceit was the best version of this game. All of the updates after the launch were pretty bad. I still enjoy coming on this game from time to time with friends, but other than that I avoid it.

"Is it even in?" The dragon really didn't have to do me like that :(