Child me just did not understand this game.

The first video game I ever played as a child when I was 3 years old and still my favorite "kart-racer" to this day. Crash Team Racing was an incredibly fun kart racer to play with an even more incredible story mode. I feel like this game had an incredible amount of content in it despite how old it is. Some of my greatest LAN memories come from playing this game with friends/family. Better than any other Kart racer out there including Mario Kart.

Another arena based games that my brothers would play against each other all the time. We had no idea what we were doing, but I remember fighting my youngest brother all the time on the ice level with Augumon and Gabumon.

One of the first video games I played as a child. It was the first game I ever completed to the end, which sparked the start of my gaming career.

The final game of the trio, this one felt like a step down from the second game. While they tried to do cool new things and levels, it felt rushed and repetitive. Still a great game regardless. Being able to play a few levels as Coco was a nice touch though.

This wasn't my first Spyro game, but I ended up playing after Ripto's Rage. This game was fine for the most part. There wasn't a whole lot of direction in this game, but it was still a decent platformer. However, it did introduce us to one of the most recognizable video game characters to this date.

My first platformer and what got me into the platforming genre. This game wasn't perfect by any means. It had it's issues and glitches that impacted the game in a negative way sometimes, but the level design was ELITE and was still an overall fun experience. Somehow I got worse at platformers as I grew up though.

Not as good as Ripto's Rage, but was still pretty fun. The Dragons were a neat feature of the game that I enjoyed. The level design for the most part was pretty good also. I just HATED the levels with "Spyro's Friends". They had to be the most annoying and my least favorite levels by far. Other than that I have a lot of love for this game.

I honestly don't remember much about this game other than it had some interesting mechanics and was a decent platformer.

I honestly had a lot more fun playing these minigames than I did every playing Mario Party. The crate throwing mini-game was always my favorite to play against my brothers. I actually feel that despite how janky some of the mini games were, they were overall a lot of fun to play.

"Man I suck at this game." Is what I thought as a kid. Come to find out it was just poorly balanced and overall unfair. It had some pretty janky mechanics too. Can't really say if it was fun or not. More infuriating than anything.

The controls were awful, but kid me did not mind/understand. Looking back though, it's very meh.

One of the most infuriating platformer games ever made. Kid me loved Scooby-Doo, but man did I very much dislike it after this game. Thankfully that dislike didn't last too long as everything was out of sight, out of mind for kid me.

Kid me LOVED this game, but I remember getting stuck near the end of the game and almost giving up. I ended up finishing it, but not before the trauma set in.

Child me enjoyed this game even though I spent the first 8 hours of play time coming in last over and over again. I eventually figured it out and completed the game. Not much good to say about it though.