This game should honestly be considered to be Alpha instead of Early Access/Beta. There are still a lot of things that need to be improved upon and more content to be added for it to be considered Early Access/Beta.

HOWEVER, this game truly has endless potential. Depending on where the studio goes, this game could be a massive success or bumbling failure. The game is absolutely breath taking and there are a lot of skills to level. Problem is it takes incredibly to long to do anything and with no effective way to travel around the map, it's more walking simulator than anything. Still this game could potentially be incredible. I'm here for the long haul.

The first MMO that I ever played and the game that defined my childhood. I learned more from this game than I ever learned from anything else. Not to trust people blindly and use my brain to make good decisions, how to work hard to achieve a goal, how to work together towards a common goal, how to enjoy the small things in a game, how to make friends and how to deal with conflict, and most importantly, how to properly shit talk someone.

Runescape permanently altered my brain chemistry, and while I haven't played RS3 since 2018. I plan on eventually playing again eventually and enjoying that version of the game with an open-minded perspective.

One of the greatest MMO's of all time. It has truly stood the test of time to be around since the late 90's. Jagex deciding to re-release OSRS in 2013 after the EOC update was kind meh saved Runescape. It is completely timeless with one of the best leveling/questing systems out there. Who needs graphics when you have ultra top level gameplay?

Decent puzzle game, but you are fully dependent on your partner to give you the correct information to be able to succeed. Please do this with a smart friend LOOOOL

It's not bad. A decent 2D battle-royale. Decent combat and cute animals to play as, but there is virtually no matchmaking. You either get in a lobby with people who aren't that great, or people who no-life the game... With nothing i between.

A puzzle game with a story? Pretty good overall and I had a lot of fun playing it. If only Candy Crush was like this.

It was pretty bad. All of the handheld Naruto games were pretty bad.

Like Explorers of Time, it's a great game. I feel more strongly about this game as I have more playtime with this.

The second game was the best, but this is a lot closer to that than the first one.

Too many issues and clunky gameplay mechanics. Strange crossover honestly.

I'M ON MY WAY! I'M ON MY WAY! Such a fantastic game. These should all be ported to the Switch.

2 stars for PUPPIES. Iconic game, but it was super boring. Nostalgia just blinds certain people.

Such a vast improvement over the first game. A lot of the annoying elements were fixed and the gameplay mechanics were better polished in this game. The story was actually pretty good too.