Perhaps the most overrated game of all time, whenever I go look for reviews of this game, it's constantly touted as an underrated masterpiece, and is used as an comparison as to why the subsequent game's are worse ...

What are you guys smoking?

First off the gameplay is mediocre incarnate, no leaning, no slides, no take downs or anything to spice it up, just bland.
Graphics are muddy and environments are barren, and I know it's purposely barren but that just makes it borning to play.

The only good or "interesting" things is the malaria pills you must take, the map and the weapon jamming, But 2 problems occur. First is the fact that the pills are easy to aquire so no tension, and the weapons jamming is more of a nuisance and weapons are always scattered on the ground so if it breaks there's a another at your disposal.

Although the map is a actually a unique and cool element along with the diamond detector and the jackal tapes are cool to listen to.

But in the end FC2 is an below average experience that is hailed as a masterpiece because of cool fire effects and "attention to detail", but that bring into question, do the little details matter when The big details like gameplay and graphics and story are subpar or just bad?

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2023
